Chapter Twelve The Last Three Letters

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Mika's POV

I shift back once the trail ends. I'm led to an old, abandoned warehouse. I walk around and try to see any sign of Lucinda. I can smell her. And blood. I hear a terrified scream. But it's cut off. I find the door and kick it open like nothing. I walk in to find Alistair on his knees with a dagger in his hands. The knife is covered in blood. Lucinda's blood. I walk over to see Lucinda on a table. She's drowning in a pool of her own blood. I stumble back and trip over Alistair. I get back on my feet and feel my heart begining to turn cold. I smile at Alistair. I walk over to a weak Alistair and pull him up by his hair. "You realize I'm going to kill you right?" I ask him

And for the first time I see fear in his eyes. And it just makes me smile more. I bite into his arm like he did to me two years ago and rip his arm off with my jagged teeth. He cries out in pain and I laugh. 

Then I bite into his throat and ripped out a huge chunk of that too. I smile as I see his pathetic lifeless body crumble to the floor. i bend down and pull his body up. I rip his head off and throw it down to the ground. I stomp on his skull repeatedly. I feel my humanity slip away slowly and at this point I couldn't care less. I start kicking the body when I hear a muffled sound. "Mika" Someone whispers

Mika? That's my name.....I look around to see a girl bleeding. She looks familiar, but I can't tell. I'm too close to shifting to remembering who she is exactly. I walk over to her and see she is so beautiful. She coughs up blood and that makes my heart ache. I put pressure to her wounds and try to stop the bleeding. "Mika I'm scared." The girl cries

I try to remember what I was doing here. I look around to see a dead body. Was I hunting? "Mika! Focuse! You can't shift! Not here! Not now! Please Mika! You're not a monster!" The girl shouts at me 

I'm Mika, Mika Savage. I am not a monster. I feel my humanity coming back and I realize what the hell is going on. I pick Lucinda up and start running. I find Emmett driving his jeep. He pulls over and I hop in. "Drive! NOW! I won't let her die Emmett!" I yell at him

I look down to see Lucinda's lost all her color. She can't even keep her eyes open. I cup her face with my free hand. "I don't know what to do Lucinda." I cry to her

"I love you." She whispers so low I barely even hear her


Emmett pulls up to a hospital. We get off and I cry out for help. Doctors surround us. I watch as the take her away. I fall to my knees and sob.


An hour later Stephen, Emmett and Cole surround me. "You were too fucking late! She's dead!" I growl at them

"No she's not." Stephen tells me

"She's not?"

"No, she's in a coma Mika."

"And I put her there. Look what I've done. If she dies her blood will be on my hands! All of this is my fault!"

And that's the end. Of this book anywayz. Yup there will be a 2nd book. Coming soon dnt worry:) the songs "Yeah Boy and Doll Face" by Pierce The Veil. Listen to it:) they're too awesome not 2 listen 2. I hope u read the nxt book. & I hope u loved it as much as u loved the 1st book or liked even a little

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