Chapter seven One Way to Kill A Werewolf

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Sooo I hope u guys actually like this the pic up is kinda wat i imagine Lucinda and Beth look like the song is One Way To Kill A Werewolf by Modern Day Escape. u should really check them out ^-^. read, comment, vote, tell me if u like it....even alil but or just tell me how i can fix watever it is i messed up


It's Monday, November 15th.  I'm in fifth period with Mika. He actually decided to show up for once.  He's wearing a Modern Day Escape shirt with black skinny jeans and a grey & black checkered beanie. I'm wearing white ripped skinny jeans, with an Alesana tank top, an Asking Alexandria necklace, a Bring Me The Horizon band bracelet and black boots wit studs on them.

I'm so tired. I haven't slept  very well lately. I don't want to have anymore nightmares. So I try to sleep as little as I can. Good thing make up covers those dark, black circles around my eyes. I yawn for what seems like the thousandth time and lay my head on the desk. Not like this teachers teaching anything important anyways. "You okay? Mika asks me quietly

"Yeah, just tired." I whisper

I close my eyes. I know I shouldn't, but I'm just so sleepy.....

I wake up in the class room. Everyone's gone. At first I think the bell rang and class is over, but then I see Him. He's sitting in my teachers chair. His feet on my teachers desk. I fell asleep. "Oh, God no." I whisper in horror

"Ooooh, sorry. God can't help you at the moment." He tells me in a chilling tone

He's wearing a black suit. He still has the mask on. I start to panic. "Wake up! Please! Wake up!" I scream at myself

"Even if you wake up I'll find you. I'll find you and I'll kill you. Along with anyone who gets in my way.." He threatens me

"Leave me alone! I've done nothing to you!" I yell at him

He pulls out a knife from his coat pocket. He gets up and starts making his way over to my desk. I get up and run to the door. It's locked! Of course! Fuck! He finally reaches me. He turns me around so I can face him. He pins me to the wall. He breaths on me. I cry out for help even though I know with all my heart no one will come. He presses the knife to my throat and-

I wake up screaming. I'm back in class. I'm finally awake. All eyes are on me. I grab my stuff and run out of the room. I run straight to the bathroom. I start crying. I slip to the bathroom floor. My heart racing, my hands shaking, my head spinning.

"Lucinda? Are you in here?" I hear Mika call for me

"Go away." I cry

"Lucinda please-"

"Mika! Go away!"

I see him walk in. He looks at me then walks over to me. "You can't be in here Mika." I sigh wiping the tears from my eyes

"Would it suprize you if I told you this not the first time I've been in the girls bathroom at a school?" He asks me sitting down beside me

"Is that your way of making me feel better? 'Cause if it is then you fail miserably."

"Sorry." He looks at me then asks "What happend back there?"

"I had a nightmare." I tell him

"What about?"

"My birth mother's rapest."

"You're birth mother was raped?"

"That's how she got me."

"Oh, my god. Wait so you're having nightmares about him?"

"Yes." I see his eyes flicker rage. His eyes glow for a second. "But it wasn't just a dream Mika. I swear to God it wasn't. It's just too real!"

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