Chapter Four Guys Like You (Pic of Emmett Montgomery)

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It's Wednesday November 10th. Mika's not here. He hasn't been here since Tuesday. So basically it's been very peaceful without him. Or so you'd think. Truth is it's boring as hell without him. I actually....kinda....sorta...miss him. I honestly think I've lost my mind.

I'm in P.E with Beth right now. We're running the track. When we finally finish we see we have a new student.  He's got to be at least six foot three, he's muscular by the way his shirt clings to him, he has beautiful green eyes, he has straight blonde hair, he's fucking gorgeous. "Oh, my gosh." Beth says under her breath when she finally sees him

"Right?" I say in agreement

He walks over to us and smiles. He's perfect. Literally. Even his smile. "Hello ladies." He says in the most sexxiest british accent ever!

It took everything in me not to giggle like a little school girl. "Hi." I tell him nervously

"I'm Emmett. Emmett Montgomery. And you are?" He asks us

"Bethany." Beth tells him

"Lucinda, Lucinda Sykes." I tell him

Once I tell him my name he has the strangest reaction. He tensed all over. He clenched his fists and says "Well it was very nice to meet both of you. If you excuse me. I must go." in a harsh tone

He turns and walks away furiously. "What the hell was that even about?" Beth says crossing her arms, annoyed by Emmett's actions

"I have no idea." I tell her then decide to confront Emmett

I walk over to him flirting with the other girls in our P.E class. I touch his shoulder gentley and his thoughts fill my head. 'I can't believe he is being so naive! Of couse she's the right girl! She looks just like him! That idiot just doesn't understand what a gift he has been given!' 

I stumble backwards. His thoughts take me off guard. He turns and sees me. The smile soon vanishes from his face. "Can I help you?" He asks me, as if he's hated me for years

Well he'll fit right in here. "Um, I was wondering....did I do something to upset you?" I ask him

Damn this dude towers over me! He tenses up and his body begins to shake violently. All the girls, including myself backaway slowly. His eyes go wide and he says "excuse me." in a deep voice that sounds nothing like his own

He literally shoves me aside and takes off running. What the hell? Beth walks over to me and asks "Well what happend?" 

"Honestly? I have no idea." I tell her 

We decide to leave all those other girls and wonder the field just the two of us. "So my friend Lily's invited me to a party this friday." Beth tells me

Oh, great another sucky ass weekend by myself. "Awesome." I lie to her

"Yeah and you're coming with me." She says

"Really? I am?"

"Yeah! It'll be great! You'll meet all my friends."

"Great." Well I sorta meant it....

We hear our P.E. teacher whistle letting us know it's time to dress back out. We change our clothes and walk home. We go inside to find Mr. Lyle here again.....yyyyaaayyy....Tiffany tells us to sit down for dinner. She really went all out. She's really trying really hard to impress him. Why though? "So what grade are both of you in?" Mr. Lyle asks us

"We're sophomores." Beth tells him

"Do you like your school? Is it a good school?" He asks us

"Yeah it is." I tell him

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