"Oh! Thank you so much John. That's really nice of you. Convey my regards to your dad as well." I say smiling. I thought he would say no, I mean I did break his heart. I mean kind of anyway. I thought he would use this as a way to get back at me the moment I saw him in the office instead of his father. 

"No problem. There is one more thing. Rupa invited me to the wedding. I was thinking about attending it. Is it all right with you? I have some work in L.A so I thought I could take care of it as well. I hope I won't make you uncomfortable or anything." He says looking at me. 

"It's completely fine John. We can be friends you know. I hope you'll have a great time. You can bring Mindy along." I say. 

"Yes. Of course. Thank you. Hope you will have a great time as well." He says. 

I nod and smile politely and let myself out. For some reason I feel uncomfortable around him even though he is completely cool about everything. I think maybe I am going to get my period or something. Sheesh! Why do I always focus on the silliest of things. Well that's easy to answer because it's me! 

I call Hardhik and tell him the good news. Later on Tom calls me and asks me if all of us can hang out at my place.  

After a lot of mind wrecking marketing work I finally head home. Sarah, Tom and Naina are already at the apartment. 

"Hey guys" I say as I get in. 

"When are Rupa, Ajay and Mindy coming?" I ask. 

"Rupa and Ajay can't make it. They are busy with the wedding stuff." Says Tom. 

"As for Mindy she can't make it. Come to think of it she has been avoiding us whenever we plan to meet at your place. She is totally fine meeting up with Tom and me." Says Sarah thoughtfully. 

"Oh that must be because she is dating John now." I say. 

"Oh really! She is going out with him." Says Naina with a surprised expression. 

"Yes. He told me that today. Rupa invited him to the wedding so he didn't want any awkwardness between us. So you know he wanted to ask me if it was ok." I say. 

"He is dating Mindy! He didn't tell me that nor did she. She hasn't been to work for the past two days either. She is sick." Says Sarah. 

"Don't worry love. He will tell you when he is ready." Says Tom. 

Sarah nods and I look at everyone and say, " So what wedding gift should we give the happy couple?" 

After brainstorming we finally decide on what we all should buy and everyone heads home. 

Naina and I are lounging on the sofa and she suddenly says, " I am going to miss you when you go to L.A." 

"Awww honey I am going to miss you too. Don't worry though this is will be your apartment and I will fly back and forth pretty often." I say and hug her. 

We hang out for a while and finally decide to go to bed.

The weekend is here! I have a week off for Rupa's wedding. Naina and I start packing and later Sarah, Shane, Rupa, and Tom join us. We are all leaving together tonight. 

"Hey, isn't Mindy joining us?" asks Tom. 

"No. I called her and she told me that she will fly in later with John." says Sarah. 

We all hail two cabs and reach the airport. I call Hardhik and tell him that we will be there soon. He is going to meet all of us at the airport. We will be staying at Rupa's Aunt's place. They live in this huge mansion. It's absolutely breathtaking. It's pretty close to Raj and Sindhu's place. So it will be a like huge reunion. I can't wait. Sometimes I feel that I act really childish for my age but who cares you only live once! (yolo!)

We board the flight and I sit beside Tom and the couples(Ajay and Rupa, Sarah and Shane) sit together and Naina sits beside a cute looking guy. She turns back and gives me the thumbs up sign. I look at her giggle. Finally she is paying attention to guys around her and is moving on. 

As I settle down and relax Tom looks at me and says, "Dia, I have some important news." 

"Oh what is it Tom?" I say. 

"Well I have been with Morgan officially for two months but we were kind of on and off for almost a year. I truly love him and I think he is the one for me. So I decided to ask him to marry me" says Tom smiling. 

"Oh my God! That's awesome Tommy! I am so happy for you", I say squeaking and hugging the day lights out of him. 

"Dia, you are crushing me." he says kind of breathless. 

"Oh sorry." I say sheepishly. 

" I am so happy for you. Can I be your best woman at the wedding. Please." I ask 

"Well I already told Hardhik and Ajay and they called dibs but I guess you can be my best woman." He says smiling happily. 

I smile at him and hug him again. 

This is awesome. Things are finally falling in to place. Rupa and Ajay are getting married. Tom is going to get engaged. Sarah is married to the man of her dreams. Naina finally found her dream job and is ready to move on. Sindhu is pregnant and I am finally back together with the love of my life. Life can't get any better than this.

Raj's P.O.V 

I finally pulled it off. I need to call Hardhik and tell him immediately. He will be so relieved. Now he can happily be with Dia without his Aunt troubling him. But there is this other problem. 

Who the hell set his apartment on fire? I am nowhere close to finding out who that is. The person who did that was clearly a professional. The police couldn't track him down and neither could I. I think I should place my security at the wedding just in case. I take out my phone and call Hardhik. 

"Hello Hardhik, I have good news." I say as he picks up. 

"Well that's great. What is it?" he says. 

"Well your Aunt will no longer will be a problem for you." 

"Wow. That's great man. Your plan worked?" he says. 

"Yes. I didn't involve many people just two of my best hackers and we did it. As of right now your Aunt is facing a lot of heat from her husband and your entire family."  

"Thank you Raj. I am not getting emotional or anything but you don't how difficult it is for a guy to go through that and share it with it other guys. I really owe you." He says. 

"No problem man. You are a good friend. My wife loves Dia and you. It's the least I could do and also be careful because I am still not able to find out who set your apartment on fire. Tell Dia to be careful as well." 

"Sure man. I'll talk to you soon. I am going to the airport now." 

"Sure. Come by tomorrow to the house with everyone. Bye." I say and hang up. 

I really need to find out who is behind the fire accident and that too before the wedding. I am somehow having a bad feeling about this.  

Someone's P.O.V ( Thoughts) 

I am going to make sure that this time I kill him. I have an amazing idea but I have to do it on my own. 

That woman has been caught. If I ask her to help she will become a liability. I don't really care about her though. She is worse than me that psychotic B***h. 

I should never have listened to her when she said she could handle that matter. If I had gone through with my original plan Dia would have been mine long ago and I wouldn't have gone through the agony and pain. It is finally my time. I will make sure that Dia realizes that she belong with me.

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