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I decided to go for a run, whilst I was running when I........

Amelia's POV

I could fell someone following me, I sniffed when I noticed it was Hallie and Josh I decided to run back to the pack house.
When I arrived, I noticed that no one was around.
I then saw a red wolf with cream paws, I immediately knew it was Hallie.
I started to walk to Jay's room until I was stopped by a white wolf growling at me.
Suddenly a black wolf jumped in front of me and started growling at the white wolf, I knew the black wolf was Jay but I didn't know who the white wolf was.
They all went and shifted and there stood Jay, Hallie and....Josh.
I just stared at Josh, I have never seen a pure white wolf or any white wolf to be exact.
I then looked at Hallie, her wolf colour is one of a kind and I've only seen her shift twice.
I just smiled at Jay as to say thank you.
Jay smiled back at me and Hallie and Josh were giving each other questioning looks.
I decided to speak up and say "Talk to each other", Jay whispered to me "Give them time, her wolf is sorta like yours and by the looks of it you've never seen a pure white wolf", he was right Hallie and I have never seen any white wolf.
I was about to walk away when I heard Hallie saying "Emily, don't leave again", everyone nodded Luna then said "We do leave a lot", I give a little laugh and was given weird looks.
Josh then turned to me and said "So your not the only red wolf", Hallie then butted in "She's the only pure red wolf".
Josh then said "So....I've heard that you've never seen a pure white wolf before", I answered "Truth is I've never seen any kind of white wolf at our old pack it was just mainly black and brown", Hallie butted in "And red".

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