Chapter 42: So Many Issues

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*two weeks later. Alaska is nineteen weeks pregnant. Uhura is sixteen weeks pregnant.*

While working on the bridge, Nyota Uhura stood up and passed out an instant later. Everyone rushed over, one officer called sickbay.

"Uhura. Nyota. Uhura." Jim muttered, helping Spock roll her off of her stomach. She didn't move, but her pulse and breathing were normal.

"Nyota. Nyota. Nyota." Spock mumbled, his usually emotionless face panicking.

"What happened?" Bones asked when he got to the bridge. He ran over by Uhura and started to scan her. "The copper in her blood is too high, must be from being pregnant with Vulcans, well 25% Vulcans, but that's more copper in her blood than she should have."

"Will-will she be alright?" Spock stuttered, watching as Bones and a couple nurses put Uhura on a stretcher.

"She should be."

"What about the babies?"

Bones paused. We'll have to see about them." He muttered quietly, walking into the turbo lift. Spock's as frozen, he couldn't move.

"Spock." Jim mumbled, snapping the half Vulcan out of his trance.

"Yes, captain." Spock muttered, walking over to his station. He started working again, much to Jim's surprise.

"Spock, go to sickbay. Be with Uhura. That's an order." Jim told him, grabbing his shoulder and practically pushing him into the turbo lift.

"Yes sir." Spock said as the turbolift door closed.

Naomi and Alaska were instantly concerned when Uhura was wheeled in. Alaska had been resting in her office, she was forced to do that while being pregnant. Spock walked in a couple minutes later, instantly by Uhura's side.

"Get blood transfusions, ultrasound, heartbeat monitors for her and the babies, breathing monitors, and get started with an IV." Bones barked orders, staying as calm as possible.

Naomi, Alaska, and a couple other nurses started getting to work. Naomi did the ultrasound and both babies were in distress. Their heart rates had risen, but not to a dangerous point. Bones started a blood transfusion to even out the copper in Uhura's blood. Spock never left his side. He was always holding her hand if he was allowed to, switching between her and the ultrasound monitor.

"She'll be alright, correct?" Spock asked when everyone slowed down.

"She should be. She'll be here a few days, maybe weeks. Possibly even for the rest of her pregnancy. At that point it might just be a cesarean section. Probably at 34 or 35 weeks." Bones told him, grabbing an oxygen mask and strapping it on her face. They took tubes out of her nose, that way when she woke she'd be more comfortable. And she was breathing fine, but the mask was a precaution.

"Good. Thank you." Spock mumbled, sighing with relief. He was much better when he was around Uhura, more human.

"I'll leave you two." Bones said, walking out. The instant the door closed behind him, the sickbay doors opened and Tegwyn ran in, Scotty on her other side. Chekov was being dragged in by them.

"McCoy!" Scotty spoke loudly as Bones walked towards them.

"What happened?" Bones asked, leading them to a bed. Chekov was set in the bed, a loud moan escaping his lips. His hand pressed on his right side, he couldn't sit still.

"He woke up and said he didn't feel good. He was in the quarters until I got a call from him saying he needed help. I came and saw him curled up on the floor in pain, in and out of consciousness." Tegwyn explained, her hand on his forehead.

"She called me and I came to help get him to sickbay." Scotty finished, sighing as he looked at Chekov. Chekov and Scotty had grown close for a couple reasons. One being the fact that Tegwyn loved Chekov and he got her pregnant. The other being that they had spent a lot of time in engineering. Scotty would get as protective to Chekov as he would to Tegwyn.

"Okay." Bones mumbled, scanning Chekov. "Appendicitis." He diagnosed a couple seconds later. He'll need surgery soon, I'll tell nurses to prep a bed.

"Oh Pasha." Tegwyn mumbled, kissing his forehead. He had a fever so it was warmer than usual.

"Teg." He mumbled, wincing in pain. Appendicitis was quite painful, his side throbbed and admitted sharp pains.

"You'll be okay." Tegwyn whispered, kissing his lips. And he would be okay. So would Uhura and the babies. Everyone would be okay.  

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