Chapter 22: Recovery

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Chekov was moved to sickbay and put on machines just to make sure he was dead. He wasn't. His pulse was barely detectable, but there. Same with his breathing.

Chekov was instantly put of life support machines. An emergency surgery was done to get whatever bullet was in his chest out. He was doing better, his heart rate and breathing rate rising, but it would take a long time to get back to normal.

He had tubes that snaked under his nose and into his throat. A mask was on his face, IV's in his arms. Stickers were placed on his chest and ribs to monitor breathing and his heart. Other stickers were put on for his temperature.

Tegwyn and the baby were okay. They needed to do scans on the baby and the gender accidentally slipped. A girl. Tegwyn was really happy to get a daughter and everyone was sure Chekov would be too.

Tegwyn had to stay in sickbay for a couple days to make sure everything was definitely okay with the baby. She had monitors on her stomach and a couple for her. The baby was kicking a lot, probably from stress. Or maybe she could sense that her daddy was hurt.

Naomi had been throughly scanned and stitched up from the wound in her stomach. There was one downside about the wound, she would most likely never be able to have kids again.

Jim cried and threw things around when he first heard. He the settled down to the fact that he still had two sons and a daughter. He still loved Naomi dearly. The twins had some scrapes, but they were alright. As well as Chris. Jim held them close, Naomi hugging him. They gazed down at their amazing children, happy they have them.

Alaska was okay. None of her injuries were life threatening. Same goes for Ellie. Everyone ended up okay, except for maybe Chekov, but that'll take time.

~~two weeks later~~

Tegwyn was thirty weeks pregnant. She was almost there. Her stomach was pretty big by now and moving around was hard. She had moved back in with Scotty so he could help her do basic things.

Chekov was normal, just in a coma. He would sometimes mutter something, which was a very good sign. Tegwyn had talked to him about the baby being a girl. His mouth twitched to a smile, briefly, but it made Tegwyn's heart flutter.

Naomi and Jim were as protective as ever. They would take turns staying up and watching the babies, just to make sure they were okay. Naomi was disappointed about never being able to have a baby again, but she loves the ones she has.

Alaska found out she was pregnant again. She was apparently pregnant when they were kidnapped, she's five weeks. Leonard was really hoping for a boy.

Jim had exhausted himself again, this time not as bad. He would eat sometimes, usually not much, stress would get to him. Sleeping was a little easier, but he still didn't get much. Some nights, Naomi would wake up and see Jim drinking. She would force him to bed while she stayed awake to watch the babies. He refused for her to be alone, he would have to cuddle with her.

Hopefully everything will turn out okay.

Enterprise Love ➣ Jim KirkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon