Chapter 39: Terrible Two's

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*one week later. Uhura is twelve weeks pregnant. Alaska is fifteen weeks pregnant.*

Jim sat in the bridge with his kids. Chris sat in his lap, the twins walking around to look at things. Everyone kept a close eyes on the kids, making sure they don't break something.

"Buttons!" Chris yelled, pressing buttons. Jim had disengaged all of them so she couldn't do anything but push them. "Light!" She yelled, pushing the buttons that lit up.

"Yeah, Buttons and lights." Jim told her, smiling. Elliot had climbed onto Spock's lab, amazed by everything.

"They sure love the bridge." Sulu pointed out as Malcolm motioned for him to pick him up. He did, trying to keep Malcolm away from the console.

"I've never really had them up here before." Jim said, trying to keep Chris from falling off his lap. Malcolm had jumped off of Sulu. Elliot was still in Spock's lap, watching Spock work. Smiling, Uhura watched her boyfriend interact with the toddler. It made her feel better about being pregnant with his kids. She was worried he would leave, but he didn't.

"You don't say." Chekov said sarcastically, watching Malcolm run around.

"Malcolm, get off the console!" Jim yelled as Malcolm climbed onto one of the console. He giggled and pressed buttons. The red alert sounded throw the ship. Jim jumped up, setting Chris on Chekov's lap and rapidly pressing buttons.

Malcolm was taken by a crewmen, Elliot covered his ears and screamed. Startled, Spock jumped back causing Elliot to fall to the floor. He hit his arm and started crying.

The alarms stopped and Jim ran over by Elliot. "Ouchy!!!!!!!" Elliot screamed, gripping his arm. Jim picked him up and set him on the captain's chair.

"Can I see your arm?" Jim asked Elliot, his voice soft and comforting. Elliot was still crying, but he slowly let Jim see his arm. A purple bruise surrounded by red had already formed on his arm.

"Ow." Elliot kept mumbling, crying.

"I'm going to take him to sickbay to make sure it's not broken." Jim said, gingerly picking Elliot up. Elliot was sobbing even more now that he moved. "Can all of you watch Chris and Malcolm?"

A collective of "yes's" sounded from the bridge as Jim left.


Jim walked into sickbay. A loud crash sounded through the room, followed by some voices. "Ellie, please stop playing with hypos." Bones begged, carrying his daughter out of a room. Alaska and Naomi followed holding many empty hypos. Naomi dropped all of them when she saw Jim and Elliot.

"Oh my god, what happened?" She asked, becoming suddenly concerned.

"The alarms made him cry and he was on Spock's lap. Spock got startled and dropped him. He hit his arm." Jim explained, hoping Naomi didn't panic more.

"Oh. Oh okay." Naomi said, sighing with relief. She took the whimpering toddler from her husband and carried the kid over to a bed. She scanned Elliot with a tri-corder, relieved when it showed he only had a bruise.

"Just a bruised bone?" Jim asked, watching as Naomi wrapped gauze and then a splint around Elliot's arm.

"Yeah, it'll heal fast with the hypo I gave him." Just as Naomi finished her sentence, another crash was heard in the sickbay.

"Ellie Jane McCoy, stop trying to hypo people!" Bones yelled, running after his daughter.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!!" Ellie giggled, running away.

"Have fun with the new baby Bones!" Jim said, picking up Elliot before kissing Naomi goodbye.

"Yucky." Elliot muttered, closing his eyes as they kissed.

"You won't think it's yucky in a few years." Naomi told him before Jim left back to the bridge.

He had do a double take when he saw Spock. Chris was asleep on his chest, her fist balled up part of his shirt. Her other hand gripped his pointy ear, just as she did when she was a newborn baby.

"Don't drop that one Spock." Jim told him, sitting down at the captain's chair. Malcolm was in Chekov's lap, Chekov struggling to restrain him.

"I'm very sorry for what happened earlier Captain. He startled me." Spock apologized, his voice low so he didn't wake Chris.

"It's alright. No serious injury." Jim told Spock, watching Elliot trying to squirm out of his arms to Spock. Eventually he set him down and Elliot ran to Spock, his arms wrapping around Spock's leg. He cried a little when he first bumped his arm, but kept holding onto Spock's leg. Malcolm wiggled away from Chekov and hugged Spock's other leg.

Astounded, Spock dared to move. He barely breathed. Uhura could barely contain laughter, neither could anyone else. "What Bones would do to see this." Jim mumbled, laughing. Scotty walked onto the bridge, saw Spock, and cautiously walked around him.

"What's happening?" He asked, very quiet. Spock still stared forward, his eyes wide.

"The kids are hugging Spock." Sulu mumbled, shocked.

"Wuv you Spock." Elliot and Malcolm mutter, holding his legs tighter. Spock still didn't move.

Everyone started laughing, Spock turning his head to glare at them. Help he mouthed. Everyone shook their heads. It wasn't even lunch yet, Spock was in for a long ride.  

Enterprise Love ➣ Jim Kirkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें