Chapter 4: Babysitting

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*two weeks later. Ellie is two weeks old. Malcolm and Elliot are twenty four weeks old (6 months)*

Kirk and Bones would have an interesting day. Both of them had to babysit their kids. They decided to stay in Jim and Naomi's quarters, which was bigger.

"She honestly just sleeps." McCoy said, bringing in Ellie. She was very tiny in his big arms. He cradled her head and smiled down at her, looking into her eyes.

"That'll make out job easier." Jim said, setting Elliot on the floor by Malcolm. Both of them glared at each other before laughing.

"They are the weirdest babies. Definitely yours." Bones muttered, putting Ellie down for a nap in a play pen.

Malcolm pulled himself along the ground to get to a toy. Jim muttered encouragement to him as he moved. "Since when could he do that?" Bones asked, sitting next to Jim on the floor.

"Only this week. Elliot's a little behind, only recently he could sit up by himself." Jim said, moving Elliot's favorite toy towards him. He loved this green block because it was squishy and would squeak whenever he hit the ground with it. He also had made a habit of throwing it at Jim.

"He sure loves that block." Bones muttered as Elliot started to chew on it. He put his arm up and threw the block and Bones. Elliot giggled and fell over onto his back.

"It's all he wants." Jim said, looking over at Malcolm, who was on his back like a flipped over turtle. Bones helped Elliot while Jim got Malcolm.

"They aren't that intelligent so far either, definitely from you." Bones laughed, putting Elliot in his lap. Malcolm cried until Jim picked him up and set him on his chest. He rolled his eyes and Bones remark.

"Other than sleeping, what's up with Ellie?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"It's really just sleeping." Bones said, looking into the playpen where the tiny girl slept. Malcolm was hitting and pulling at Jim's face. This kid would he a defensive master.

"I'll be back." Jim said, setting Malcolm down before going into the next room. Bones wasn't paying attention, Elliot had started to fuss, which woke up Ellie. His attention was immediately drawn to the two crying babies.

Malcolm dragged himself to the door, which opened automatically. Due to the crying, Bones didn't hear the door opening and closing.

Malcolm got tired halfway down the hallway and stopped for a while. Naomi happened to be walking that hallway and noticed her son.

"Jim. Bones." She muttered, getting angry. She picked up the baby and walked back into the quarters and saw Jim looking everywhere. "Looking for something." She said, her face straight.

"Oh my god you found him!" Jim exclaimed, tripping over things to get to Naomi. He tried to take Malcolm, but she protested.

"You lose the baby, you don't get to watch the baby." Naomi said, setting Malcolm on the bed.

"I'm sorry. I left for five minutes." Jim insisted, holding Naomi's hands.

"So it's you're fault!" Naomi said, looking over at Bones. He was holding two small sleeping babies. He just smiled a half hearted smile and laughed a little.

"I won't lose him again, I swear." Jim insisted, trying to gain back trust.

"We'll see. He's going to come to work with me." Naomi said, picking up Malcolm and walking out the door. "If you lose Elliot, it won't be pretty!"

"I'll try not to!" Jim said as the door closed. He turned around to see Bones holding Ellie, but not Elliot. He wasn't in the playpen either. "Oh my god where is he!" Jim yelled, freaking out.

"Relax, he's on the bed." Bones answered, pointing at a baby in the bed.

"Thank god." Jim muttered, picking up the child. Naomi wouldn't let him babysit for a while, that's for sure.

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