Chapter 34: Back Where We Started

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Two more days had gone by. Jim was off of work for a long time, at least until he's back on a normal sleeping and eating schedule. Jim hadn't eaten in almost eight days. He couldn't get over what he had done to Chekov. Anytime he tried to eat, he either threw up or spit it out. His stomach just wouldn't accept it.

Too weak to even stand up, Jim lay of the bed. He was allowed in his quarters as long as he ate, even if it was a little. The kids were staying with Bones and Alaska, well just Chris. The twins were staying with Spock and Uhura. Jim wanted the kids to stay, but it was too much work for Naomi to handle a sick husband and three kids. The compromise was that the kids can stay for a few hours during the day, but then they go back with whoever they were with.

Naomi would cuddle with Jim all day, trying to make him feel better. He wanted to eat, but he ruined his stomach a little. It just didn't accept food that much anymore. Jim had lost four more pounds already, making him really thin. He hated it.

Jim would try and do what he could while being so weak. Naomi would help of course. He needed her help to walk to the bathroom or to do anything else. He wanted to eat, his stomach just won't allow it. Jim could eat the amount of a few crackers, but anything more and he'd throw up. So that what he ate, a few crackers. As much as he could.

Things were getting better. Much much better.  


So this one was very short, but I wanted a closure for what Jim was going through. Hope it was good anyway!

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