Chapter 36: Another Vacation

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*two weeks later. Uhura is ten weeks pregnant. Warning of cruel injuries*

Jim, Naomi, the kids, Bones, Alaska, Ellie, Spock, and Uhura were all going on a quick vacation to a planet similar to the one where they took the last vacation. Only this one was a little colder, but not too cold to swim.

Everyone sat by an ocean. According to the Enterprise, there wasn't any dangerous creatures in the ocean. Viruses, diseases, various alien predators, etc. There wasn't anything. That made the water safer for kids.

Naomi and Alaska were wearing similar swimsuits, sports bra and shorts. Jim and Bones were shirtless, along with Malcolm and Elliot. Chris and Ellie both had cute little girl swimsuits. Nyota was wearing a shirt and some shorts, she didn't want to wear anything tight since she was starting to get uncomfortable from being pregnant.

Spock lay on the beach, his eyes closed, meditating. Elliot walked over to him and sat beside him. "Hello Elliot." Spock muttered, opening one eye. Elliot was just grinning. "Why are you so happy?" Spock asked Elliot.

"Sand!" Elliot yelled, taking a gust of sand and throwing it at Spock's chest. He continued to through it, Spock just letting him. Elliot started laughing when he stopped and stumbled away.

Spock sat up, his hair full of sand. Uhura started laughing. "Need help?" She asked him, still giggling. He shook his head, sand flying everywhere.

Uhura looked down in her water bottle, sand was sitting in the bottle. "Sorry Nyota." Spock apologized, standing up to get the rest of the sand off of him. Elliot had already ran over by Jim, Malcolm, Bones, and Chris. They were sitting in the more shallow part of the water Chris and Malcolm splashing each other. Elliot joined the fight.

"They're a handful, aren't they?" Uhura asked Naomi, watching the kids.

"Yeah, especially with what was happening with Jim. It's getting a little worse now that the twins are almost two. They are entering the 'terrible twos' phase." Naomi answered, smiling as she watched the kids.

"How is Jim? Honestly." Alaska asked, getting concerned.

"He's much much better. He sleeps normally now, but he still doesn't eat as much as he should. His stomach just won't allow it, but he tries. Then he gets tired faster, he'll probably be asleep about the same time as the kids tonight." Naomi answered, sighing. She'd seen Jim shirtless many times after he didn't eat much, but none of them have expect Bones. Jim needed know medical exams now. His ribs could easily be seen, but she could no longer count them so easily. That was good.

"That's good. We were worried for a long while." Uhura said, smiling over at Spock. Spock had decided to join the kids in the water, Ellie moving away from Alaska to follow. Elliot took one look at Spock, who was now sitting by Jim, and started splashing him.

"I think Elliot either loves Spock, or hates him." Alaska stated, laughing.

"Ever since that night when Spock babysat them, Elliot's wanted to have Spock babysit again. I swear he must have gave them sugar." Naomi told her, laughing as well.

Naomi was right, soon after everyone got back from their vacation, Jim fell asleep. Carrying one or two kids in his arms and walking around tired him out.

"I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I hate this." He mumbled, his face smushed into his pillow.

"I know, I know. But you're getting better and that's what matters." Naomi told him, rolling his head over so she could kiss his cheek. "You going to bed?"

"Yeah." Jim said, yawning. His eyes closed when he yawned and he fell asleep.

Naomi put the kids to bed before working for a while. She then went to bed and feel asleep.


Jim woke up that night, coughing filling the room. He instantly jumped up and went to Elliot's crib/playpen. The over one and a half year old was coughing, struggling to breathe. Jim quickly grabbed the breathing mask before he noticed something, blood was on Elliot's chest.

Jim slowly approached his son, gingerly picking him up. Elliot kept coughing, eventually coughing up blood. Jim was frozen before, but he wasn't now. He ran out into the hall, only to freeze again. Everyone was dead. No one was moving.

Anxious, Jim ran back into the room to see Naomi in bed, still as could be. She looked completely peaceful, but her chest wasn't moving up and down. She was dead too. Jim started crying, sitting on the edge of the bed. Elliot was still coughing and crying in his arms, but Jim barely noticed. Naomi was dead and there was nothing he could do.

A loud bang woke him from his trance. He turned sound go see a man with an old fashioned gun, standing over Chris' crib. He jumped up and ran to the crib, looking in. He instantly turned around, set Elliot on the ground, and threw up. Chris was dead too. He saw Malcolm out of the corner of his eye, also dead. Elliot was so close, barely hanging on.

Jim heard a click behind him. He picked Elliot up and stood up. He turned around to face a masked man. "We need to stop meeting like this, Jimmy." The man said before pulling the trigger.


"NO!" Jim screamed, sitting straight up in bed.

"Jim? What?!" Naomi asked, startled. Jim looked over at her, tears in his eyes.

"Naomi." He squeaked, pulling her into a hug.

"Jim? What happened?" Naomi asked, hugging him back.

"Horrible. Horrible Dream. You were dead, The kids were dead, everyone was dead on the ship." Jim stuttered, realizing he was covered in sweat.

"Well, that won't happen." Naomi mumbled, hugging her shaken husband. He moved away and walked over to the kids.

"Thank God it was a dream." He mumbled to himself. Naomi laid back down and waited for him to come to bed. After about thirty minutes of watching the kids and making sure they were alright, he did.

"That was a horrible dream." Naomi muttered as Jim pulled her close to him. Her head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

"It was. I'm glad that's all it was." Jim told her, moving his hand to her head. He kissed the top of her head and sighed. "Thank god."

"Try to sleep." Naomi told him, hugging him.

"I will. I will." Jim stuttered, closing his eyes. Naomi fell asleep about ten minutes later, Jim holding her tight.  

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