Chapter 41: Kids with a Cold

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*two weeks later. Alaska is seventeen weeks pregnant. Uhura is fourteen weeks pregnant.*

Alaska and Bones had found out the gender of the baby. It was a boy. Bones had been thrilled, never stopped smiling. It was kinda creepy, the guy was usually a grumpy man. He knew he would have to teach the boy to protect his sister.

Alaska was getting bigger and bigger. The baby had started kicking and Bones couldn't be happier. He would walk onto the bridge after something big happened. He would say "good morning!" or "Good Afternoon!" in the cheeriest voice you've ever heard. Everyone was getting a little worried. He was like this with Ellie, but this one was worse.

Uhura would roll her eyes and laugh. "Spock will never do anything like that." She would mutter, looking down at her stomach. She looked bigger than most women at fourteen weeks, one of the downsides of carrying twins.

"It doesn't seem-" Spock started.

"Logical. I know, you've told me many times." Uhura muttered, laughing. Confused, Spock went back to work. Many human things baffled him, especially female human things. They were odd humans.

Jim would laugh and smile with them, going home to his amazing family every night. Elliot and Malcolm got into much trouble now days. They were a handful.

"Naomi?" Jim asked, walking into his quarters one night. He heard Chris crying in her crib, her eyes and noes were puffy.

"In the bathroom giving the twins a bath!" Naomi yelled, splashing being heard from the room.

"Alright." Jim muttered, picking up Chris. She felt feverish, snot dripped from her nose. "Did you get medicine for Chris? I think she has a cold." Jim asked, walking into the bathroom.

Naomi was kneeling by the bath tub, soaking wet. The floor had a layer of water about a centimeter thick. "What?" Naomi asked, standing up from the twins to see Chris. "Can you get you medicine and I'll finish up here?"

"Yeah, what did they do anyway?" Jim asked, walking out and standing in the doorway.

"They snuck away from daycare and went to the science lab. They found a bunch of dirt, some water, and made a huge muddy mess. They aren't in trouble with security though, the lab wasn't locked as it should be and the twins shouldn't be able to sneak away." Naomi explained, sighing as she put Malcolm back in the bath. He kept trying to climb out. Elliot, on the other hand, was too distracted by floating blocks.

"Okay then..." Jim mumbled, slowly walking out of the quarters. Those two were getting to be a lot and the crew wasn't doing their job correctly.

Chris was still crying when Jim got to sickbay. "Aww, poor girl." Alaska muttered, takes Chris from Jim.

"Any meds or anything she can take?" Jim asked, giving Chris his hand. She didn't like the sickbay, it was too bright and there was too many people. But, if she had someone's hand to hold she was okay.

"Yeah, here." Alaska told Jim, handing him a bottle of liquid cold medicine. "She has a higher fever than we'd like, 102.7 degrees Fahrenheit. I'll have to ask a doctor if she should stay over night to be monitored. How didn't anyone notice this before?"

"Naomi was in the other room when she started crying. The twins got into trouble and needed a bath, so she must have just thought that Chris was upset that she was alone in the room." Jim told Alaska, reading the instructions on the medicine bottle.

"I'm going to go ask a doctor if she should stay or not. You know what to do if something happens." Alaska said, walking out. Jim shook the bottle, the liquid sloshing around.

"Dada!" Chris yelled, reaching up towards Jim and the medicine bottle.

"Hey Chris, this is to make you better." Jim explained, showing her the bottle. He shook it again and Chris laughed. She liked the sound the liquid made.

"Yay!" Chris yelled before starting to cough. She was crying even more now, the coughs hurting her throat and chest.

"Because of her age, she needs to stay tonight." Alaska said when she came back. "Sorry."

"No, that's alright. As long as she gets better." Jim answered, kissing Chris' hand.

"Stay?" Chris asked, probably thinking about what Alaska said.

"Yes, you're staying tonight. I'm staying too." Jim spoke slowly, letting her understand.

"It's to make you better sweetie." Alaska told her, holding her other hand. "You're going to need a little poke, it won't hurt."

Alaska sprayed Chris' hand with a numbing spray before prepping her for an IV. The IV would be to hydrate her. "Owww!" Chris whaled when the needle pierced her skin.

"It's okay Chris." Jim soothed, holding her other hand tight. He smiled down at her to try and calm her. "You're doing good."

"Yes, very good." Alaska added, putting a sticker under Chris' shirt. Her heartbeat appeared on the screen, as well as her breathing rate.

"Okay, Dada's going to leave for a few minutes, but I'll be back. I'm going to tell Mama where you are." Jim told Chris kissing her hand. Alaska would stay with Chris, who was already panicking.

"Where's Chris?" Naomi asked Jim when he returned.

"She has a high fever. They want her to stay." Jim explained, walking into the bathroom to get one of the twins. Naomi was holding Malcolm, who was wrapped in a towel.

"Chris isn't here?" Elliot asked Jim when Jim set him on the bed.

"Chris is sick." Jim explained just as Malcolm started coughing. Eliot did the same.

"Please don't tell me all of them are sick." Naomi mumbled, her head sagging down.

"Elliot feels warm. So does Malcolm." Jim diagnosed, sighing as he said it. "At least I got cold medicine."

"Yeah. That'll help." Naomi agreed, taking the medicine and giving the twins a sip.

"I told Chris I'd stay there. Goodnight." Jim said, kissing Naomi.

"Goodnight. If anything happens let me know." Naomi said, kissing him back.

"Ewww!" The twins chorused, leaning away from their parents. Naomi's he Jim laughed before Jim said goodnight to them and left.

"Jim, don't worry too much. A lot of kids have a cold, it's just going around." Alaska told Jim when he came back in.

"It's impossible not to worry, but I'll keep that in mind." Jim mumbled, sitting by Chris' bed.

"You can hold her if you want. I'll dim the lights so you can sleep too." Alaska added, turning the lights down. Jim picked up Chris, laying her on his chest.

"Night Dada." She whispered, her voice hoarse.

"Night Chris." Jim said, but she had already fallen asleep.  

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