Chapter 17: Back to Work

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*two weeks later. Frank has been gone for two weeks. Jim's allowed to go back to work. Naomi is twenty six weeks pregnant. The twins are eleven and a half months old.*

Jim was allowed back to work. Spock did a good job of making sure things didn't go wrong. Jim was worried about going back and leaving Naomi with the twins, he was still certain about Frank on the ship.

Jim returned to his familiar captains chair, surrounded by his great crew. Chekov looked happier than usual, his curly hair grown out a little. He smiled bigger and his eyes shown bright. Sulu was just as happy.

Spock was glad to be at his normal station, being a captain wasn't what he normally enjoyed. He much preferred his science station. Uhura was glad to see Jim back, healthy.

Tegwyn Kinsman walked onto the bridge towards Chekov. "Pasha, don't say anything just listen. I'm sorry to bug you at work, but I was scared to tell you with just the two of us around. I'm pregnant, you're the father. I know, we're only eighteen, still teenagers. I know it's early, we took every precaution, it just happens. I'm so sorry, but I'm keeping it whether you want me to or not. I still love you, but I'm not sure if you still love me."

Chekov was frozen. He didn't move. He didn't blink. He didn't breathe. His mouth lightly hung open, the information sinking in.

"Pasha?" Tegwyn asked, putting her hand on his left cheek. "Pasha. Please snap out of it, you're scaring me."

Chekov just continued to stare. Sulu tried shaking him, Tegwyn kissed him, Uhura even kissed him. Nothing worked.

Tegwyn finally slapped Chekov. "Pavel Andreievich Chekov, snap out of it!"

Chekov finally moved and looked at Tegwyn. "You're pregnant?" He asked, choking up.

"Yes. Yes." Tegwyn repeated, kissing him again. Chekov started crying and put his head in his hands. Tegwyn slowly backed away, a little worried at what to do.

Sulu started laughing at Chekov. "It's not funny Hikaru!" Chekov yelled, slapping him. He continued to sob, Tegwyn hugging him.

"This is an interesting first day back." Jim muttered to Spock. Spock nodded.

"Indeed captain. The youngest and brightest ensign in StarFleet history was dumb enough to get someone pregnant." Spock said, impressed with Chekov.

"Hey, sometimes every precaution is met and it just doesn't work!" Bones yelled, walking into the bridge. He walked over by Kirk and Spock. "What happened?"

"Tegwyn just told Chekov's she's pregnant." Jim muttered. "Spock's trash talking him about being smart and getting her pregnant."

"Hey, Spock, as I said, every precaution can be met and it doesn't work." Bones yelled, raising his voice.

"That may be doctor, but it is a mistake." Spock answered, trying to get the already angry doctor to calm down.

"Are you calling my daughter a mistake?" Bones asked, stepping towards Spock.

"Okay, Bones, I'm fine. Go back to sickbay. Thank for checking on me." Jim said, pushing Bones into a turbo lift.

"Doctor, you're daughter technically was a mistake, but you and Alaska seem to enjoy her." Spock answered, calmly as could be.

"That's it!" Bones yelled, jumping past Jim. He punched Spock and pinned him against the wall. "Don't you dare call my daughter a mistake." He growled.

"Well, the real logic-" Spock began before Bones punched him again.

"Don't you dare talk about logic." He growled, pushing Spock's head into the wall. "If I have to hear about logic one more time I'll hypo your ass into next week."

"Please let me go doctor." Spock asked.

"Apologize to me, but then I can't promise Alaska." Bones said, anger still in his voice.

"I'm sorry doctor McCoy." Spock said, calmly as could be.

"You better be." Bones growled, letting Spock go. He ran into the turbo lift and left before he could do anything else.

Jim turned to Chekov and Tegwyn and smiled. "If you two would like the day off to start and sort things out, you have it."

"Thanks captain." Tegwyn said, still comforting her crying eighteen year old boyfriend. Suddenly, Chekov stopped crying and looked up at Tegwyn and grinned.

"I'M GOING TO HE A FATHER!" Chekov yelled, jumping up. He had this idiotic, drink, happy grin on his face. His hair bounced as he moved.

"Yay, it sunk in!" Tegwyn yelled, released he finally realized it. Chekov's smile didn't even fade as he fell to the floor. It disappeared when he was unconscious.

Everyone stepped away. This was an interesting first day back.

"Did you know that Tegwyn is pregnant?" Jim asked Naomi that night when he went back to the quarters. She was sitting on the floor, playing with the twins.

"What?" Naomi asked shocked. "Isn't she eighteen? Is Chekov the father?"

"Yes and yes." Jim answered, sitting next to her. "Quite an interesting day back."

"It sounds like it." Naomi said, helping Elliot build a tower. Malcolm would hand Elliot the blocks, then he would hand them to Naomi, who would them place them on a tower. They were both amazed at how high the blocks could stack.

Suddenly, a crashing sound came from down the hall. A high pitched scream, which sounded like Spock, came from the end. Loud footsteps rang louder as they got closer. "Get back here you illogical punk!" A voice sounding like Alaska yelled.

"I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL I SAID ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER!" Spock yelled, his voice getting fainter as he ran.

"You better run!" Alaska yelled, changing after him.

Jim and Naomi just looked at each other and shrugged. Jim helped Naomi stand, her stomach was quite big now. "We'll have to give them practice when the baby comes." Naomi suggested, rubbing her stomach.

"Fourteen more weeks." Jim said, wrapping his arms around her from behind. He kissed her neck up to her cheek and held his hands on her stomach, feeling the baby as she kicked. "She loves kicking you."

"Yeah. She does." Naomi said, kissing his cheek.

"Tegwyn and Chekov are in for a surprise." Jim admitted, getting food for dinner.

"Yeah they are." Naomi said, setting the table.


Hope you liked the surprise cookidoughlilac

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