Break up

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Jellal wouldn't let go of me no matter what.

He was so close to me that I could hear him breathing heavily.

"Okay.." I uttered.

"I will tell you everything."

Jellal slowly loosened his grip, as though he surrendered.

I gently moved his hands, took a few steps ahead and turned around.

He just kept staring at me.
I felt his eyes were talking to me, like they were trying to say something but It soon stroke me that I need to tell him about Gray.


"Erza are you thinking of breaking up with me ?" He asked bluntly.


"Its because of that guy right ? Gray..?"

I couldn't defend myself from Jellal's words.

"Answer me Erza."

I couldn't answer him.
The more I look at Jellal the more I think of Gray.
My mind seems to have been working on its own, it itself doesn't know what its trying to do. Is it trying to break me and Jellal apart or is it bringing new feelings for Gray..I just don't know.

"Your silence says everything.." Jellal sighed. He averted his eyes and looked elsewhere, as though I was just a piece of blank paper.

He walked past me, but stopped halfway before passing me.

"Erza..let's break up." He said.

"Jel-" I was about to turn around but he stopped me.

"Don't turn !" He yelled.

His command made me stiff as a stone. I wanted to turn around so badly and look at him. To look at his face that I had once fallen for.

"Don't turn and don't say anything." He said softly. I could feel the sadness in his words, the sadness in his tone. But all I could really do was just listen.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. I understand." He said.

I heard him walk away. I heard his footsteps departing from me. He was taking his heart with him.

And what did I do ?
I stood still and did absolutely nothing.
Like all of that was just a game to me.
Like I didn't really care for Jellal's feelings.

I felt it. I felt my tears falling down on the floor slowly little by little and then all at once.


My heart was aching. The type of ache that you get when your heart gets shattered into a thousand pieces. When the one you love, runs away from you for another guy.

I left the roof and went back home early.

Slumped on my bed, and thought about Erza.

That's what I do when I miss her. Think about her.
Every moment.
But now that I know she loves another guy.
It makes me sad.
It makes me angry.

I broke up with her thinking that maybe if I let her go, she might come say something back and not let me go.

But what a fool I was...she didn't say anything.

I felt as though I made her choice easier for her.

What I did..was it right or wrong..?

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