
As we sit and eat lunch I have a hard time concentrating on what Liddy is saying. All I can think about is when I'm going to give her her gift and whether she'll like it or not.

"So how is Harper doing at your parents?........ Hello?......... Earth to Hunter,......... Hey, anyone in there?" She says as she waves her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked how Harper is doing with your parents."

"Oh, she's doing great. Of course she misses us, but she and Cole are having a blast. Mom is teaching her how to bake cookies."

"Oh, my goodness. I bet that was precious. I hope they took lots of photos."

"They did. According to mom, Harper got more dough on herself than the actual baking sheet."

"Awe, I wish I could have seen that."

"Me, too."

"So what's up? Why are you so distracted?"

"Sorry, I...Ah, uhm, I've been working on a new song and lyrics keep popping into my head."

"Is it the one that you were playing this morning?"

"Ah ya, it is. I was hoping to have it finished by now, but I'm having difficulty with the second verse."

"It'll be fine. You'll find the words and when you do, it'll be amazing just like all your other songs."

I reach over and hold her hand. "It's nice to have my own personal cheering squad. I'm not use to it. Thanks."

"What do you mean you're not use to it? Your parents are super supportive of you."

"Yes, THEY are, very much. I was referring to my more recent years with Renee.

She was enthusiastic when we were dating, but as soon as we got married, she lost interest. Actually, by the end of it she didn't even want to talk about my career. God, now, that I look back, all the signs were there.  I honestly don't know how I missed them. We were both so unhappy. I should have known we were headed for a divorce."

She squeezes my hand reassuringly. "I'm sorry, she did that to you. You are an incredible singer and musician she had to be deaf, dumb and blind not to realize that."

I can tell she's angry. "It's okay, babe. I'm over it and you know what, if she hadn't asked for a divorce I wouldn't be here right now sitting with you. So instead of being mad, we should be celebrating."

"You're right. Her mistakes are my gain."

"That's for sure. So are you ready to go skating?"

"I sure am."


Liddy's POV

"That was so much fun! Can we go back later tonight and skate under the lights?" I ask excitedly.

"Ah maybe, if I'm still able to walk in a few hours then, yes we can."

"I'm surprised you're so sore. You run around on stage and work out all the time."

"Me too. Obviously I'm using different muscles, or something."

"If you're too lame. We can go back to the cabin. We don't need to make snowmen right now."

"Ah, uhm... I'm fine. We HAVE to make the snowmen. I promised Harper we would send her a video."

"Okay, then where would you like to make them?"

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