Chapter 9

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Hunter's POV

"Hey Bonnie, sorry to keep you waiting." I say while noticing she's wearing glasses, a blue and white striped maxi skirt and a white top. "Do you have any questions before you meet Harper?"

"Yes, I do. What's her favorite thing to do and her least favorite thing to do?"

"Well, her favorite thing to do at the moment is have "Tea Parties" with her dolls and stuffed animals. Probably her least favorite thing is to listen while someone reads her a book. I can get her to snuggle up with me and listen but as far as I know I am the only person."

"Great! That helps a lot. So when can I meet her?" She asks with genuine excitement in her voice.

"My mom is with her in the playroom right now, so follow me and I'll introduce you. two."


Lynette's POV

Once Hunter introduces Harper to Bonnie, we stay for a few minutes to make sure she's comfortable then we walk downstairs to the living room.

Hunter takes a seat in a chair and I choose to sit on the couch. It's obvious to me that he's anxious about how things are going between Bonnie and Harper. He keeps looking at his watch and rubbing the back of his neck. I try to distract him with questions about the upcoming tour, but all get for responses are one word answers. 

"So Hunt, why are you so nervous?"

He let's out his breath slowly before answering. "I'm scared that even with Harper's help we might not pick the right nanny for her.... You know she's my world and I'd do anything to make her happy.... I just wish there was some way to be 100% sure that whomever we pick, Harper is going to like and eventually be able to trust."

"I'm concerned about that myself." I say as I reach over and squeeze his hand. "I'm praying that Harper makes it easy for us by giving us a clear cut sign, as to whom she likes better, so that neither of us have any doubts." 

"I'm hoping she does that, too."


Hunter's POV

When Mom and I return to the playroom things appear to be going well with Bonnie and Harper. She's acting a bit shy around her, but I expected that. It always takes Harps extra time to warm up to people, especially women. That I blame on Renee for not spending enough time with her daughter.

"Thanks again for coming over to meet with Harper, Bonnie. We will let you know our decision by tomorrow at the latest."

She smiles. "It was a pleasure to meet your daughter. She's a sweetheart." She states before shaking my hand and walking out the door.

Fifteen minutes later Liddy arrives, a few minutes early. She's dressed in white capri leggings with a loose fitting floral tunic and black sandals with a 3" heel. Her hair is in a ponytail which some how manages to make her eyes and cheek bones pop. I didn't realize it yesterday, but Liddy is very tiny. Even in 3" heels, I tower over her. That doesn't happen very often.  

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