Chapter 17

340 17 7

1 month later

Hunter's POV

I can't believe we've been touring for a month already. Time really does fly when you're having fun. It's been amazing having Harper here with me. This is the first tour that I have been on where I am not missing someone back home. I'm able to focus on what I need to do without any concerns. I give Liddy full credit for making this work. She has been an incredible nanny for Harper. I never have to worry about my baby girl when she's with Liddy. I know Harper is safe, taken care of and loved.

Unfortunately, since that night a few weeks ago when I found myself unable to trust Liddy with details from my past, she's been acting differently towards me. She no longer jokes and rarely looks me in the eyes any more. I spend most of my evenings, after Harper's fallen asleep, on the other bus, with the guys just jamming. That was a suggestion she made, under the pretense that I looked like I needed more male bonding time. I know the real reason she suggested it was to avoid having to spend time alone with me.  

I'm miserable with how cold and aloof she is towards me. I want us back the way we use to be. When we laughed and joked and just felt comfortable around each other. I want to be friends, again. Talking with super nanny Liddy just isn't the same. I know I need to talk with her and try to make things better between us. The problem is finding the time to do it. I wish I could talk with her this weekend, but I can't because she's taking Harper to Nashville to visit Renee.

"Hey there punkin, you'll be going to stay at your mom's for a few days. Isn't that awesome!" I fake excitement even though I am dying inside. This will be my first true weekend away from Harper. Other times that she has been with Renee, she's  just been on the other side of town. Only a 20 min drive away. This time she'll be in Nashville while I am touring Irvine and San Diego, CA.

"Daddy, I don't want to go." Harper says with the saddest eyes.

"Why, baby girl?'

She hugs Jazzy extra tight. "I'll miss you and Cole and Lids."

I pick her up and twirl her around, this makes Harper laugh. "Cole and I will miss you, too. Liddy will be going with you to Nashville and bringing you back here after your visit with your mom." I give her a big hug. "Guess what else? You and Liddy get to ride on a plane together isn't that great!" ...........

Liddy's POV

Wow, I've been on the road with Hunter and Harper, for 4 weeks. It's been a bit challenging trying to set up a routine with a 21 month old on a bus, but we are making it work. I've even started potty training Harper. I am really proud of her and how well she's doing. Heck, I am proud of all of us. The band, Hunter, even Betsy have all pitched in and taken turns running Miss Harper to the bathroom when she suddenly yells "Potty."

I wish I felt as good about how things are going with Hunter as I do with Harper.

From an employer/employee stand point we are doing great, but that's as far as it goes. Since I discovered Hunter's lack of trust in me, I've distanced myself from him. I've avoided looking at him, joking with and being alone with him. I was hoping this would somehow make things easier for me, but all it's done is make me feel awkward around him, now.

Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hunter Hayes Fanfic)...CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon