Chapter 25

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Hunter's POV

Harper and I just got to the studio. We're a few minutes early, so we're sitting in my black Range Rover waiting for everyone to show up. I take a sip of my triple espresso coffee, which I desperately need. Between learning that Liddy and Craig broke up and unexpectedly seeing her wearing only boxer shorts, a crop top and a damn belly button ring , I was barely able to sleep.

"Daddy, more pees." Harper asks as she holds her empty sippy cup out to me.

"I am sorry, punkin but that was all the juice that daddy brought. When we go into the studio I'll see if there is any juice or milk, okay? In the meantime, why don't you eat a few of the grapes Liddy cut up for you yesterday."

Harper shakes her head, no. "I want cackers. No gapes."

"Excuse me. How do you ask politely?"

"Cackers, peez."

"That's my girl. Here are a few animal crackers. Be extra careful when eating these."


Right then, my phone rings. It's Liddy. She must have found the note I slipped under her door, telling her I took Harper with me to the studio. "Hello."

"Hey, it's Liddy. So I just read your note about Harper. I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you take her to work with you because you thought I couldn't watch her with a sprained ankle? Because I can, honestly."

"No, that's not the reason. I know she would have been fine with you. It's just that she was a bit clingy, this morning. So I decided to keep her with me. All we are doing is having a quick meeting. Afterwards I thought I might take her to visit my parents, then maybe play at the park for awhile."

"Okay, if you're sure that's the only reason. I really don't want you to think I can't do my job."

I just have to laugh at that comment. "Liddy, you are the most amazing nanny in the whole world. I NEVER worry when Harper is with you, I trust that she will be safe. I know you care about my little girl. Honestly, the reason I brought Harper with me today has nothing to do with me being concerned if you could care for her."


"Good, well you take care of that ankle. Andy just arrived so I am going to go talk with him. Bye, Liddy."

"Good Bye Hunter. Oh and I just want you to know, that I love Harper and I will always keep her safe. Have a great day. Give Harps a hug for me. Bye." Then she hangs up.

I can't believe what I just heard. She just told me she loves Harper. Isn't that breaking some nanny rule? I didn't think Nannies were allowed to love the children they watched because when the job ends it would be painful for both the child and the nanny. Well, good thing I don't ever plan to let Liddy walk out of Harper's or my life.

"Look daddy." I glance over to see what Harper's pointing at.

"Yes, that's "Uncle Andy". Let's go see him and then we can look for some more juice when we get inside, okay?"

While she shakes her head, yes. I hop out of the car and run around to unbuckle her. Harper wiggles her way out of her car seat and climbs down with a little help from me. I can remember when I had to do it all. My little girl is growing up. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Before we go to meet Andy, who is waiting for us in the parking lot. I grab Harper's bag that has a change of clothes and Pull ups, just incase there is an accident. There are also a few toys in the bag also. Some blocks, her stuffed momma cat with baby kittens and of course a toy guitar. She hasn't started showing any interest in creating her own music yet, but she certainly loves to hear me sing.

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