Chapter 7

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Hunter's POV

"So how do you feel the interview went with Liddy?" My mom asks from the passenger seat of my Range Rover.

"I think it went very well. What about you?"  

"I really like her. She is very easy to talk to and is equally as qualified as Bonnie. The only real difference is that Liddy is a few years younger, but we already knew that. Does her age bother you?" 

"Not at all. Should it?"

"I don't think so. Not in this case. Liddy seems very responsible."

"I agree."

"So have you made up your mind? Is Liddy or Bonnie the nanny you want?"

I pause and take a moment to remind myself that even though I may feel some type of connection with Liddy the most important opinion is Harper's.  "I'm not sure. This is such a huge decision." I nervously rub the back of my neck. "Harper will be with her nanny a lot. So it needs to be someone she feels comfortable with. I'm not sure if that's Bonnie or Liddy. I just don't want to make the wrong choice."

"Well, if you feel that way, then why don't we let her help us pick. We know that either Bonnie or Liddy would make an excellent nanny for Harps. So let's set up times for each of them to visit with her and see if then we can figure who SHE would prefer to be her nanny."

"That's a great idea! Let's do it."

After we pick up Harper at the studio, my mom calls both Liddy and Bonnie and schedules times for them to meet with Harps. Then we drive back to my house where my dad is waiting to join us for dinner.

"We got very lucky Hunt, that I was able to find a contractor who can start on the nanny's apartment, next week. They said they should have it done just before Thanksgiving.  Because you had the forethought, when you built this place, to have the space over the garage roughed in with electrical and heat it won't take much time to finish it. "

"That's great news, dad! We get several days off from the tour to come back home for the holidays. With the apartment finished the nanny will have her own place to stay."

"Have you thought about what would you like the apartment to include?"

"I want built ins in the main living space and hardwood floors everywhere except for the bathrooms. I am hoping there is room for a tiny powder room plus a full size bath. In those I want tile floors. There needs to be a washer and dryer hook up somewhere. Probably, in one of the baths is the best place for it.  The kitchen should have granite counter tops with stainless steel appliances including a dishwasher.  Make the bedroom a decent size with a walk in closet. Most importantly we need 2 separate entrances into the apartment. One that will allow access into the second floor of the main house and a separate entrance off of a deck, for guests to use."

"That's a lot of stuff. Good thing you built a double deep 3 car garage to house your growing car collection. It'll give us plenty of space over it, for all those things. I might even be able to squeeze in a small guest room also." He says excitedly . 

I know he probably thinks I'm over doing it, but I just want the nanny to be comfortable.

"Speaking of the nanny and her apartment, have you and your mom come to a decision on who you will offer the job to?" He asks before taking a bit of pizza.

"Actually, Leo since both candidates are more than qualified Hunter and I have decided to have Harper meet both ladies and then see if we can figure out who she prefers before offering either of them the job."

"That sounds like a smart idea. It makes sense to be absolutely sure that Harps feels safe and comfortable around whomever you pick." 

Hunter's POV

After mom and dad leave I give Harper a bath. Then I change her into her pajamas and carry her downstairs so we can cuddle in front of the television and watch the one of her favorite movies Maleficient. She quickly falls asleep with her head on my lap and her curly blonde locks framing her sweet little face. "I love you so much baby girl." I say as I kiss the tip of her nose and drift off to sleep myself.

When I hear my cell phone ring, I quickly answer it without even bothering to check the caller ID. I don't want the noise to wake up Harper.

"Hello?" I say, hoping I don't sound like I'm half asleep.

"Hey Hunt, I know I told you to call me, but I couldn't wait. How did the interviews go today for Harper's new nanny?"

"Hi Kelly, everything went great." I say as I try to stifle a yawn. "Both of them are great choices. We are going to see how Harper interacts with each of them tomorrow. Since she will be spending the most time with the nanny we wanted to make sure Harper feels comfortable around her."

"That's a really good idea. Care to share any details about them?

"Let's see what I can remember off the top of my head. Their names are Bonnie and Liddy. They both live in the Nashville area. Bonnie's been a professional nanny for 8 years and Liddy for 6 years. Liddy has a Master's degree in Early Childhood Development from Vanderbilt. Bonnie has 2 more years experience being a nanny, but she doesn't have a master's degree.  She received her Bachelor's degree from a college in Georgia."

"How old are they?"

"I believe Bonnie is 29 or 30 and Liddy is 28."

"Wait! Why are you looking at nannies that are so YOUNG?  Don't you think you should be looking for a more mature women, maybe someone in their late 30's or older with much more experience? This is Harper's wellbeing we are talking about!"

 I can tell from the tone in Kelly's voice that she's angry. "Honestly Kelly, their age doesn't matter to me. As long as they are responsible and good to Harper that's all I care about. You need to remember I am a musician who travels around the world. Not a lot of women in their late 30's are willing to travel that much."

 "I bet you could find a mature nanny willing to go on tour with you if you spent more time looking. I hope you don't regret your decision, Hunter. Well, it's getting late. I need to go. Good night." Then she hangs up the phone.

'That's not good.' I wonder why she got so mad at me?

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