Chapter 105

212 10 16

Wedding Day

Hunter's POV

"Daddy, Daddy! Look I a pincess!!" Harper exclaims as she runs towards me.

"Yes, you most certainly are!" I reply as I kiss her cheek and pick her up, being careful to avoid wrinkling her dress. "You look beautiful, baby girl."

"My dress so pretty. I slub it."

"It is very pretty. Just like you." She blushes and tucks her head in my neck. "What's your favorite part?"

"This." She points to the puffy white tulle skirt.


"Cause it's like Lid's."

"Oh really?"


"Does her dress have the same pretty silver sash as yours?"

"I don't tink so."

"What about the sleeves? Are they like yours?" 

Before she can answer, my mother interrupts. "Hunter Easton Hayes, you should be ashamed of yourself. Using your daughter to help you figure out what Liddy's wedding dress looks like!"

"I hadn't planned to. It just sort of happened." I mumble as my face turns red. I suddenly feel like I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"Ah huh, sure you didn't. I'm your mother. You can't fool me." She grins then turns and looks at my father who is sitting on the love seat, on the other side of the room.

"Leo, you owe my $5."

"Do you want it right now, or can I pay your later?"

"Later will be fine?"

My mouth falls open with surprise. "Did you two have some sort of bet going?"

"We sure did and I lost." Dad laughs. "I thought you had more patience and self control, Hunt."

"I usually do, but I'm just so excited. You have no idea."

Again my dad laughs. "Trust me, son I know exactly how you feel. I could barely hold it together on the day I wed your mother. I was nervous and excited all at the same time."

"That's exactly how I feel! I can't wait to see her walking towards me down the aisle. I know she's going to be gorgeous."

"She will be." My mom insists. "It will be worth the wait, I promise."

The butterflies in my stomach instantly take flight. My palms start to sweat. The smile on my face reaches from ear to ear. I can't wait to hold her hand, look into her enchanting sable colored eyes and promise before god to love her and only her, for the rest of my life.

When Harper pokes me in the chest, I'm pulled from the thoughts of the woman I love with my whole heart. "Daddy, where's your mast?"

"My mast? Oh you means my mask." She nods her head. "It's over there on the desk, next to Grampy's."

"Can I see?"

"Absolutely." I reply as I walk over to point out my black mask with silver details.

"Why yours not back like Grampy's and Uncle Matt's?"

"Mine has silver on it because I'm the groom."


"Actually, every one of the groomsmen's masks are different. It's just kind of hard to tell, until they each put them on."

"Oh..... Put yours on peez?"

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