Chapter 36

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Liddy's POV

When I turn around to look at who's talking to Harper, I can't believe who I see.

"Oh hi, I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Kelly." She says while extending her hand out for me to shake. "We were never formally introduced."

"Ah hi, actually I do remember. Nice to meet you." I say.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Harper riding on the carousel. I haven't seen her in awhile. She was just so adorable sitting on the carousel horse. Her eyes were filled with such excitement. I couldn't help myself, so I took a few photos. I hope you don't mind?" Kelly then bends down in front of Harper. "Hey cutie, have you miss me? I've missed you."

It's good to know that I'm not loosing my mind. There actually was someone watching me. Well, not me exactly, but Harper. What a relief. "Did you happen to get any good photos? I didn't think to have Liz take any. I bet Hunter would love to see Harps riding the carousel."

Kelly stands up and starts looking through the photos on her phone. "Yes, I got a few. I really like this one, for instance." She hands me her phone, which has the sweetest photo of Harper looking up at me. Her eyes are full of wonder and her smile is precious. Hunter is going to adore this photo. "Would you like me to send it to you?"

"Yes, please." I say as she passes me her phone to enter my contact information. Once I'm done, I hand the phone back to her. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. Would you mind taking a few photos of me with Harper?"

"Not at all." I say as I start to reach into my purse to get my phone.

"Here, just use mine. It'll be easier. All you need to do is aim and press the button."

"Okay." As I prepare to look through the viewfinder I discover her camera app isn't open. Instead I see Kelly's screen saver which is a photo of her lying on Hunter's naked chested. I almost drop the phone. "Uhm, you forgot to unlock it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hunter will probably kill me fortaking that photo of us this morning. But I couldn't help myself. He was so adorable. I just love it. "Here you go. Now the camera is all set." She says as she opens the camera app on her I phone 6 and hands it back to me.

Did I hear her right? I thought she said she took that photo this morning? I must have misunderstood. I try hard to ignore the pit in my stomach and the endless questions running through my mind. Surprisingly, I manage to take a few decent pictures of the two of them. When I'm finished I hand the phone back to Kelly and look over at my sister. She looks as confused as I feel. Obviously, I didn't hear Kelly wrong. My stomach immediately starts doing summersaults. Liz  notices my distress and comes over to my rescue.

"Hi, my name is Liz. We've never met. I'm Liddy's sister and you are?"

"Oh hi, I'm Kelly."

"Kelly, as in Hunter's ex girlfriend, Kelly?"

"Ah, yay, well I was, but after last night I'm not quite sure what I am at the moment." She giggles.

"Excuse me. Did I just hear you say that you and Hunter are back together?" Liz asks.

"I think so." Kelly's smile is so bright. Her excitement is clearly evident.

"Oh really? What happened?" Liz quickly flashes me her best "I'm sorry" look.

She knows this is killing me, but she also knows we need to find out what's going on.

I try to distract myself by talking with Harper, but it doesn't work. I'm just holding my breath waiting to hear what Kelly says next.

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