Chapter 1

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Sept 3, 2018

Hunter's POV

"Ok baby girl. I need you to lie down and take a nap for me. Grammy Lynette and I will be downstairs. Sweet dreams." I say as I shut the door to her nursery and walk to the living room to visit with my mom.

I still can't believe that precious little girl is my daughter. I remember the day I became her dad. My whole life changed. From the very moment she was placed in my arms and grabbed on to my finger, I knew I would love her forever and I would do anything to protect her and make her feel safe.

"Hunter, what are you thinking about?" My mom asks, as she bends down to scratch Cole's ears.

"I just can't believe what a mess I've made of my life. It feels like I've wasted the last 6 years with a woman that I didn't even know! Harper is the only good thing to come out of Renee's and my relationship." I look away at this point. I don't want her to see how upset I really am.

"Everything's going to be alright. You'll make it through this. We all will." She reaches over to hold my hand. "You know that Dad and I'll continue to be here to help in any way we can. We love you and Harper so much."

"Thanks. You and dad have been so supportive since Renee asked me for a divorce. I can't even begin to thank you enough. I am not sure I could have made it through any of this, without you guys?"

She turns to me and opens her arms, inviting me in for a hug. I gladly welcome her embrace. I still can't believe that even at the age of 26, her hugs can make me feel safe. I have such a special bond with my parents. I pray that Harper and I will have the same type of bond. Lord knows that won't happen between her and her mother.

"I wish Renee wanted to be as good of a mother as you. If she did then I know Harper would be fine with her parents living separate lives. But she doesn't. Did you know that in the divorce all Ren requested was one visit with her daughter, per month? I practically forced her to agree to two visits, but she made it clear in the divorce documents that she had to have the option to opt out of any visit if it conflicted with her work schedule. What type of mother does that?" I ask, so angry that I'm shaking.

My mom notices and hugs me once again being sure to hold on for a few extra seconds. When she let's go, she kisses my forehead and begins to speak. "Honey, Renee has always put herself and her modeling/acting career before anything or anybody else. I know that's hard to hear, but it's the truth. Remember you were always the one to adjust your schedule to comply with hers. If you didn't, then you never would have seen each other."

"Yeah, I know you're right. It's just that it never seemed that big of an issue until Harper came along." I run my fingers through my dirty blonde hair. "I didn't have a hard time accepting being a dad and the sacrifices that come along with it. I love that little girl so much I can't imagine my life without her. Why doesn't Renee feel that way?"

She walks over to sit on the brown leather couch and I join her. "Hunter, you are such a selfless person. You always put Renee's wants and needs before your own, but once Harper came along you realized that her needs were the most important thing. Unfortunately, Renee didn't feel the same way. I don't know why. Everyone is different. What I do know, for certain is that you did everything you could to try and save your marriage and to give Harper a traditional family life. Please, don't blame yourself."

The truth hurt so much. I had to look away. Tears were starting to fill my eyes. How could I have been so wrong about Renee? I thought she was perfect. She was beautiful with long strawberry blonde hair. A smile that could light up a room and deep brown eyes that anyone could get lost in. When she came up to me, after one of my concerts and started flirting with me, I couldn't believe it. When she accepted my rather awkward invitation to go out to dinner, I thought I was the luckiest man in the world. Boy, was I wrong.

Once I have my emotions under control I glance over at my mom, only to discover that she has that "look" on her face. The one I have seen many times throughout my life, especially during my difficult teenage years. I can tell she wants to say something, but isn't sure if she should. I decide to make it easier on her and just ask.

" I know something is on your mind. What is it?" 

"I am not sure if now's the right time or even if it's any of my business to ask." She mutters, suddenly looking away.

"You are my mother. You can ask me anything. Now, whether I choose to answer is another thing." I grin.

"Oh, it's so good to see that silly smirk of yours. It's been gone for far too long. I've missed it. I'm sure your fans have, too." 

It's been 6 months since the divorce was finalized and over the last month or so I have noticed that each day it's getting a bit easier. I no longer have to pretend to be happy when I am around friends or my fans. I don't feel as lonely. I still have my moments, like today, but it's getting better. I am actually starting to believe that Harper and I will be ok.

"It is nice to finally smile and really mean it." I sigh. "So, what did you want to ask me?"

I notice her immediately take a deep breath and start to glance around the room, looking at anything but me. When her gaze finally lands on the photographs sitting on the bookcase, next to the television, she slowly walks over and picks up the silver frame with the photo of me holding Harper, on the day she was just born.

She then looks directly into eyes. "Did you want to have a baby because you were ready to be a dad or because deep down you thought a baby would fix your unhappy marriage?"


A/N: The photo (of Aimee Teegarden) is what I imagine Renee looks like.

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Remember this is my first fanfic, so any helpful comments would be appreciated. Also If you like it, spread the word, please. Thanks!

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