Chapter 24

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Hunter's POV

I know I should remove my hand that is still resting on Liddy's bare back, but I don't want to. I know I should stop gazing into her beautiful eyes, but I can't. I wish I knew what she would do if I kissed her? Would she kiss me back or push me away? Can I trust her with my heart?.....

"Dada, help me up, peez."

Hearing Harper's voice brings me out of my trance and I let Liddy go. I look down at Harps and notice that she's standing next to her stool with her hands in the air. I walk over and pick her up and place her in her booster seat. I avoid looking at Liddy. I feel like such an idiot. I can't believe I almost kissed her. Why would she want me to do that? She's in a relationship with Craig. Why do I keep forgetting that?!!!!. Thank the Lord for Harper. She just saved me from making a fool of myself.

"Hey there punkin, Here is a chicken finger. Just let me cut it up for you."

"Yummy daddy. Yummy daddy!"

I stop cutting and look at Harper "Did you just call me daddy?"

"Yes, daddy. Hurry up, I'm hungry." I can't help but laugh. She is so adorable.

After a few minutes of chatting with Harper, I dare to look over at Liddy. She looks perfectly fine. That's a huge relief.

"So Hunter, have you and Renee been able to work out a Thanksgiving Day schedule with Harper? The last time we talked about it, things were still up in the air."

"Yay, we did finally, I am going to have her till 3pm so we can eat with my family then I will drive her over to Renee's where she will spend time with Renee and her parents, who are up visiting from Texas."

"That sounds nice. I bet Harper will have a great time with her other grandparents. What does she refer to them as? "

I start to laugh. "What did I say that was so funny?" I can see confusion on her face.

"Oh you didn't say anything wrong, honestly. You just reminded me of the first time Renee and I talked to her parents about what they wanted Harper to call them." I start to laugh again so I take a few seconds to compose myself.

"Now, before I go any further it's important to note that Renee's parents are the polar opposite of my parents. They're, can I put this nicely... um, let's just say they're "Stuffy."

Liddy's eyes get big as she figures out what I am trying to say. "Yay, you know what I mean." I give her a reassuring look. "Well, since Eleanor and George had absolutely no idea what they wanted Harper to call them, Renee and I decided to make some suggestions. Because of my Cajun ancestry I suggested mawmaw and pawpaw. Well, I wish you could have seen the look on their faces, especially Eleanor's. It was priceless. She kinda reminded me of a blowfish. Her eyes got big like saucers and she kept opening and closing her mouth but no words came out. It was so funny. Needless to say we didn't go with either of those names."

It takes Liddy a few seconds to stop laughing. "So what did they finally decide on?"

"Well after much debate they decided on Nanna Elly and Poppa George. Currently all Harper can say is Nan and Pop."

"Aww, that's such a cute story. Thanks for sharing it with me." Liddy says with the sweetest smile on her face. "I've always wondered is Harper named after anyone in your family or Renee's?"

"Actually she is. Harper is Renee's grandmother's maiden name and Ellyn is a combination of Eleanor and Lynette."

"Daddy done. I go potty, now."

I take that as my cue and quickly get up and whisk Harper off to the bathroom. By the time we are done. Liddy has started to pick up our dishes and some of the food, all while hopping around on one leg. She can tell I am not happy so she gives me an apologetic look that is so adorable I can't help but forgive her.

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