Chapter 97

232 19 12

Hunter's POV

Liddy and I just left Dr. Fields' office and are on our way to my parents' house. My mom called this morning and asked if we would drop by after Harper's visit and fill them in on what's going on. I wish we had better news.

"She's going to be okay, Hunter."

"You heard the doctor. She could have leukemia!"

"Yes, but he also said she could have Juvenile Arthritis or Lyme Disease. We won't know anything for certain until her blood work comes back."

"But what if it is cancer? She's so young."

"IF it is then we will take her to St Jude's Hospital. They are the best at treating all types of childhood cancers. My nephew went there."

"That's right. I totally forgot about Austin. What did he have?"

"He had Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He went to St Jude's for treatment and he's now in remission."

"I hope Harper will be as lucky."

"Babe, please we need to stay positive the initial blood work may tell us everything is fine."

"How can everything be fine?" I snap. "She sleeps all the time, is in constant pain and has a strange rash that comes and goes." Liddy reaches over and places her hand on my knee, then squeezes it. Trying to comfort me.

"I know you're scared. I am too, but we can't forget that it could be something far less life threatening. That's what I'm choosing to think about. I wish you would."

"I'm trying, but it's hard. Besides you, she is the most important thing in my life. I can't loose her."

"We won't. "

"IF she, if she doesn't recover. It's going to be my fault."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because she's my daughter. I should have noticed she wasn't feeling well. I should have realized she was running a fever and sleeping more than usual. I should have questioned the bruises she's been getting instead of thinking they were normal for a child her age. But I didn't because I was too wrapped up in my own personal life."

"Hun, you can't blame yourself. As soon as you knew she wasn't well you took her to the doctor's and you were the one who decided to go for a second opinion instead of waiting a full week, like Dr. Sanders suggested. You're an amazing father. Please, stop beating yourself up."


"Stop Hunter, this is not your fault. I refuse to let you feel guilty when you have NO reason to be. If anyone is to blame that would be me. I'm with her more during the day than either you or Renee. I should have noticed something was wrong sooner."

Before I can reply Dan calls.


"Hey, Hunt sorry I missed your call earlier. How's Harper feeling?"

"About the same."

"Did the doctor have any idea what might be wrong with her?"

"He thinks it could be one of 3 three things, so we had some preliminary blood work taken to see if we can rule out some things."

"What does he think she may have"

I take a deep breath and release it slowly before answering. "It could be Juvenile Arthritis, Lyme Disease or LLL Leukemia."

"Seriously? Leukem...."

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