How's CC?!?(CC chapter 4)

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After the realization that there was blood on the bathroom we immediately started to force the door open. "TRY TO KICK IT!!" Jinxx said as he looked under the door."I ALREADY TRIED THAT!!" Ash answered back. "GUYS CALM DOWN WE WONT GET ANYWHERE IF WE START TO FIGHT NOW!!" I was getting tired of the guys always fighting but now was just not the right time;and I think they understood because they stayed silent and started to work. I walked over and started to bust the door open but nothing would give. "Ughhh this door is impossible to open!" "Nothing is impossible Ash" Luna suddenly talked after all this time, "it might be extremely hard but not impossible." She walked over to the door while taking out something from her boots. I didn't quite get to see what it was but she stocked them into the door knob jiggled them a little. "What on earth are....." Began Ash but was quickly stopped by the click of the door. "GOD DAMN IT WOMEN YOU COULD HAVE DONE THAT EARLIER!!" "JINXX!" I began but didn't say anything else after that. The sight of CC laying still on the floor, a puddle of blood around him all coming from his arms. "ASH CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" Jake screamed as he went and tried to pick up CC. It was about 15 min till the ambulance came. Taking him out of the bus a bunch of fans were already outside trying to get a view of what was happening. Many fans were in panic asking what was wrong with CC. It was nice to know that our fans were always here to support us in good and bad, but right now nothing else mattered only CC's life. The men in the ambulance only let two people go and Jake wanted to go and also did Luna. I took Jinxx and Ash in my car and we followed the ambulance and many fans were following us. Arriving to the hospital they quickly took CC into a room. Everyone had their hopes down. How could we had not noticed how bad CC was? We all knew he was having problems but I didn't think it was that bad. I and the others were starting to get anxious. We didn't know anything about CC for the past three hours it was horrible. "Family of Christian Coma" "Yes well no his family hasn't come but we are his friends" Ash told the doctor. "How's CC?!?" Jake quickly asked. "I'm sorry to inform you but Christian Coma is in coma."

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