Chapter 2.3 - Reason for Concern

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Regardless of what she had been in the past, Christine Francois-Manaka took pride in fulfilling her duty as a mother. While she took upon herself the role of home maker and went on to clean her daughter's room, she couldn't help but notice the unfamiliar object resting on the desk.

It was an amulet of white limestone depicting the image of a sun and some strange pattern of crooked lines. She couldn't quite figure out what it meant, but she knew about the sun. It was something involved in Chisato Manaka's history.

The housewife bit her lip softly. How did her daughter come by one of these? Could Yumi be on her way to discovering her true heritage? What would happen if she did? Could they still function as a proper, closely-bonded family, should she turn out to be one of them?

She left the amulet alone for now, untouched, but made a mental note to talk about it with Kentaro as soon as he got home from work. He would know better about what to do with it.

Starry Days & Sunlit Nights: Volume 1 - Reluctant BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now