Chapter 13

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Hey its been a while lol sorry, I've been trying to keep my grades up, kinda failing kinda not. Well here goes nothing, hopefully I'll be able to upload this tonight. It'll be short also but at least an update right?

Double Ds pov

I open my eyes to really bright light, making me shut them faster than I opened them,"No more light." I raise my arm and cover my eyes with it,"Babe? Thank god they said you were probably be in a coma!" Kevin said as he hugged me tightly,"How long was I out?" I get used to the light and bring my arm back down,"The doctor legitimately just left the room before you opened your eyes." I laugh,"Wow, awesome timing," I suddenly remembered what happened before,"What about Midnight? Is he okay?" Kevin looks down,"He...he's going to be okay, he's getting a blood transfusion since he lost so much before." I look down as he grabs my hand,"He's gonna be okay though, and the guy that did it to him is gonna wake up in prison." I sigh and feel a finger on my chin, lifting my face up,"If you want to we can get you checked out so we can see him when he's out of UC. Maybe go home and come back later tonight or even tomorrow." Then he kisses me short, sweetly,"If just wanna be with you Kev." He smiles,"I'll be right back okay? Your clothes are on this chair," nodding his head to the chair next to him,"I love you Edd." He kisses me again, this time longer though. He pulled away and stood up walking out of the room. I sighed and got up, almost falling from getting light headed,"Damn..." I stand there for a minute then grab my pants, sliding them on as the door opens and closes. Thinking it's Kevin, since he has this habit of being quiet when he enters a room, continue getting dressed until a hand is over my mouth,"Don't say anything and you'll be fine." I felt lightheaded and blacked out again.

Geez I keep doing this and it's just getting weird now lol. Poor Edd always being a victim. But

Will he be okay?

Will Kevin come save the day?

What should happen?

CrAzY CoOkIeS?

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