chapter 7 (I think)

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**lol I sat down to write this and got really distracted by a really vibrant red good job randi...sorry I thought it was funny**

"Kevin?" I ask as I see the vibrant red head that I love,"Hey baby~" he walks over to me and hugs me. I smile,"Thank god, I thought I was kidnapped." I nuzzle his chest and he laughs. There's something off about his laugh, it started getting evil sounding. I look back up at him and it's not him,"Wh-Who are y-you? You ar-aren't Kev-vin!" I stutter and try to back away but he holds me tighter. Soon not being able to breathe, hearing a few snaps before getting dropped. I gasp for air as I see my friends pointing and laughing at me but I only focus on one person. The only ginger I knew all my life and fell in love with, Kevin, he came over and kneeled down beside me,"Looks like I'm good at lying, 'babe'" he stands up and kicks my chest hard making me cough up blood,"Why...WHY!" I yell and suddenly a voice I don't recognize says,"Edd! Edd wake up! Wake the fuck up you bitch!"

I jolt up but it makes the ropes dig into my wrist and I wince,"Fucking finally! You kept coughing. I didn't want a dead slave down here." He walks off,"Wait! A what?!" I yell after him and he turns around,"You're a slave, right? That's all he's ever had down here." I shake my head vigorously,"I'm not anybody!" I start to cry. I don't wanna be here. I just wanna see Kevin...i can finally say that...I guess...I don't even know what's what anymore. "Then why're you here? You shouldn't be here then." I scoffed,"Yeah but these restraints are keeping me here." He gets closer,"He's asleep. I usually don't ever let anybody out like this but you really don't deserve what he would put you through." He takes a knife out of his pocket and cuts the rope on my left hand then hands me the knife,"Hurry up. I don't want you or me to be caught." I quickly cut the other restraints,"Thank you sir." I hand him his knife back and carefully slip out of the bed. I start to quickly yet quietly run up the stairs, being in a basement, I look down the hallway at the top of the stairs and see the back door. "Use the back and I'll leave through the front, okay?" I nod and walk towards the back door. "Oh hey Pax. I thought I had a robber or something." I hear laughing and I quietly slip out of the back door. I take a deep breath outside and look around,"The fence is too tall for me to climb..." I walk to the side of the house and almost trip over myself but I caught myself on the fence. The fence was like loose and I move the two peices of wood and crawl between them(Okay so if you don't get it he pulled two of the planks apart at the bottom like ||/\|| kinda so bad at explaining things but hopefully this explains it.).

On the other side of the fence was like a garden of flowers, all in bloom. "Wow..." I whisper to myself and I stand up straight walking in the small pathway. I soon find the exit and look around but don't see a house, a fence, or anything. I didn't walk that far, did I? All there was around me was green grass and behind me a beautiful garden,"I don't understand..." I start walking straight from the 'hidden' garden entrance,"I'm glad it's just sunrise.." I walk a little faster and start to see a dirt road. I sigh as I look to the right on the dirt road and see a highway with the sign that read,"Welcome to Peach Creek" I walk that way happily I'm not far. "I hope they aren't worrying too much. I hope they know I can take care of myself." I laugh lightly remembering my childhood, us always getting in trouble but we had so much fun. I mean we still have fun but it was always better when we were littler. I actually love my childhood, being bullied wasn't much of an issue, my parents always made sure I got what I needed, I had the most amazing friends. My childhood was awesome,"It really was." I say go myself quietly and sigh. I look up and realize I've been walking for a while,"Where am I?" I look around but I don't recognize where I'm at,"I know I'm still in Peach Creek. But where?" I never ventured too far from the cul-de-sac so I don't know much of this town I've lived in for sixteen years. "I should've listened to Eddy when he wanted to explore this town. This place is freaking huge..." I look around the horizon, trying to look over buildings with no avail. "fuck..." I whisper under my breath. "How am I gonna get home if I don't know where I am?" I wonder out loud.

**hellooo my beautiful babes~~!! look a longer update!! yayy!!! so what you babes think about it so far? is it good? confusing? lol I NEED TO KNOWWW. Well imma go try to write the next chapter or go outside...i dunno probably both haha. Welp I luff yew babes~~!!**

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