chapter 6

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Kevin's pov

*After he started chasing after Eddy*

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DONT QUIT RUNNING!" I yell as I try to run faster. This reminds me of when we were kids, me always chasing the trio after they pissed me off. I hear Ed running behind as I start getting close to Eddy,"Double D said stop!" He tackles us to the ground hard. "ow lughead!" Eddy says, being the one we all landed on,"Sorry Eddy..." Ed gets up and helps us up and I look over to where Double D was.


He's not there anymore,"Where's Double D?" I ask as I start to walk over there,"I was wondering the same thing. Where could sockhead be?" I get to the spot he was at and there was a little light blue cloth with something on it. "Did Double D carry a light blue rag?" I turn to Eddy as he shakes his head,"Lemme see it." Ed says and I hand it to him as I look around for anything else different,"He got drugged..." Ed says sadly and panicked,"What?!" He nods and holds it out,"Smell it." I take it and bring it to my nose sniffing it and get lightheaded. "Argh..." Eddy grumbles and starts cursing under his breath as Ed starts panicking more.

"What if he's hurt,"

"What if he's lost,"

"What if...

what if he's dead?"

Ed breaks down crying and I'm trying to figure out who would do this.

**oohh cliffhanger on purpose ohmehgersh. well this is super short. and I have nothing more to say except THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS SHITTY FANFIC! YOU PEOPLE DESERVE COOKIES *gives you cookies* i luff yew~~!!!**

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