chapter 9...probably...hmm...

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This chapter is dedicated to jaylalee33 & @danielleperez8 thank you for being the firsts to vote/comment. This chapter is for you two.


Edd's pov

"Baby oh my god I was so scared. I thought I lost you." My shoulder started to feel wet, he's crying,"Kevin don't cry." I rub circles on his back as he calms down. "I'm sorry. I was...I just got you then...then you were were gone for a week babe." My eyes widen in shock,"H-How long did you say?" He looks at me confused,"A week." I look down,'I was knocked out for that long? Or do I just not remember it?' I think to myself,"Babe? You okay?" Kevin pulls my chin up gently to look into my eyes,"Y-Yeah...I'm...fine..." I blush and look deep into his lime green eyes. He smirks and kisses me gently but needy, making me blush even more. I pull away and look at Midnight through the widow to see him on his phone,"I owe it all to him Kev, being here I mean. I was lost in a part of Peach Creek I didn't know, he was driving through, looking for a shop, and stopped for me. You should be grateful to him for finding me so I would've have to deal with this chilly night on the street." Kevin nods and pulls away from me,"I'll talk to him babe, how 'bout you go get a nice shower and I'll be there after I talk to..." He trailed off expecting his name,"Midnight Kitsune." He nods,"Midnight. Sound good?" I nod and walk over to the driver window, tapping on it,"Yeah Double D?" He smirks,"Thanks for taking me home. I'm gonna go take a shower. My house is that one," I point across Kevin's yard to my house,"if you ever wanna come by. Thanks again Midnight." He shakes his head,"I did the right thing to do, picking you up. And I'd love to get to know you better Double D.'s my number, text me or call me sometime and we can hang out." I smile and nod taking the slip of paper he held out with his number on it,"Kevin, come here. Midnight this is Kevin." Kevin stands next to me and wraps his arm around my waist making me blush,"K-Kevin this is Midnight." They shake hands,"Now I'm gonna go shower I feel despicable." I slip away from Kevin and wave 'goodbye' to Midnight. I walk to my house and take my key from its special hiding spot, unlocking my door. I put the key back and walk inside removing my shoes and placing them by the door neatly. I walk upstairs and go into my bathroom and take a shower.

I walk out of my bathroom and go into my bedroom, I smile to myself. I look at my bed and see Kevin laying on it with his head back, eyes closed, and headphones. I blush looking down seeing a towel, the only thing hiding my small body. "Kevin." He doesn't respond so I walk over to him and tap on his leg,"Kevin." He looks up, then down to my towel then back to my face with an evil smirk. I started to back up but he grabbed my arm threw me on the bed, under him. He takes his headphones out,"That was a pretty strong hint Double D. I didn't know you were capable of such a naughty thing~" He leans down and kisses me before I could defend myself. I didn't give any hints, what does he mean by hints? I didn't notice his hand on my abdomen going down it, to the towel. He licks my bottom lip then nips at it, I gasp like it was surprising, and he slides his tongue in my mouth like the first time he kissed me. His hand slid the towel down a little and I pulled away making him groan,"I'm not ready for that yet Kev."I say breathlessly, looking at him apologetically,"It's okay baby, I'm sorry I tried it." He sits back, straddling me and smiles,"Will we be able to soon though?" He looks at me hopefully,"I-I don't kn-know..." he giggles,"You're so cute when you stutter baby~" I blush and turn my head away, I feel a hand go through my hair and almost purr,"Why'd you hide your hair all these years? It's beautiful and soft." I shrug,"I like my beanie, nobody else wears one around here, just like nobody else wears a red hat like yours." He smirks,"Yeah but i take my hat off, quite often actually." He reaches up and takes his hat off showing his fiery red hair. I reach up and run my fingers through it, and he moans,"But I always wear a hat because shit like that turns me on." I retract my hand,"Sorry..." He leans down to my ear,"It's okay when you do it babe, you can do it anytime you want to. Because it doesn't matter where I am or who I'm with, you turn me on just by glancing at me." He takes my earlobe into his mouth and sucks and tugs on it,"Aaahh~" I moan. Shit I didn't mean for that to happen! Stop getting hard! Ugh I hate being a teenager! Stupid hormones! He pulls back a little then kisses my neck, over and over again in different places, then he licks it and starts nipping at it,"Aahh~!" He smirks again and starts biting and sucking on that spot, driving me crazy,"Oh fuck me~!" I blush at my words and cover my mouth. He pulls back with wide eyes,"Are you Double D? Because if you are I've never heard that side of him. I kinda like it though, it's kind of turning me on~" I blush and close my eyes,"So do you want me to fuck you~?" He whispers in my ear making a shiver go down my spine,"because your little friend down here feels painfully hard~" He touches my...ya know...and it twitches while a strangled moans try to come out of my mouth. I don't answer him which I guess he takes as a yes because he starts kissing down my chest and stomach. He looks up at me as he pulls the towel off my body, exposing me fully. Bad mini me! Quit twitching! Stop it! He kisses my tip and I moan loud, he smirks and licks up the side of it. This is driving me crazy. He licks up to the tip extremely slow,"Kevin please~!" He smiles then puts me fully in his mouth, deep throating me. I mean I'm not that big down there but I'm a pretty decent size. He pulls back so,it's just the tip in his mouth and sucks hard,"Oh god Kevin~!" My eyes roll to the back of my head as I moan up a storm, anybody around us is probably gonna hate me for being so loud. He puts me all the way back in again and I can feel the coil at the bottom of my stomach,"Kev-aaahh~I'm gon-na aaahhh~!" He pulls away right before I could but grabs me and starts jerking me off,"Aaaahh~!" I come in his hand then he kisses me, but somethings off like he's not fully focused on kissing me. "Aahh~! Kevin!" He had slid a finger in my...that..."I have to do this so it won't hurt babe." I squirm,"It...feels...weird..." he nods,"Don't think about it." He starts kissing my neck again but goes straight for that spot that makes me moan. He finds it as he slid a second finger in, I let out a cry of pain. "I'm sorry" he says then kisses me apologetically then pulls back saying it again before kissing me again, and continues this until the pain goes away and it becomes a game. He slides a third finger in making me bite his lip,"Sorry" he shakes his head,"I bet it doesn't compare to what you're feeling." I grit my teeth and a tear slips from my eye,"I don't think I ca-" I cut him off,"Do it." He looks at me wide eyed,"Please~ I want you inside me~" he moans,"That was sexy as fuck babe, you don't know how much that turned me on." I pull at his shirt and he takes it off, throwing it to the floor. I run my hands over his toned chest, stomach, and sides. I bite my lip and hook a finger into his waist line of his pants,"Damn're so sexy~" I unbutton his pants and pull the zipper down, slipping my hand in his pants feeling his...yeah...and suddenly get scared,"It's so big..." he smirks,"It's get than yours yeah." He chuckles and I blush, why now I'm shy I don't know. He slowly takes his jeans off then his boxers, freaking huge I hope I can survive this. He crawls back on top of me,"Ready baby?" I nod and he slams into me and I see stars,"Oh god~!" I yell,"At least I didn't have to look for that long, heh,'re so tight." He starts to pull out slowly then when he's almost out he slowly goes back in. He does that a few time before it starts bugging me,"Kevin please," he smirks,"What do you want Double D?" I blush,"Go faster!" Right as I said he did it. "Oh god...Kev...I'm...I'm gonna" he kisses me,"Me too." He slams into me a few more time and we both orgasm. He collapses on me as we both pant,"I'm love you Edd." He pulls out of me and nuzzle my neck,"I love you too Kevin."

**AAAAAHHHHHH ERMERGERD I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THE DO...I mean made them do the do...well I updated lol and thanks to the couple of people that vote and comment. Also was this good? Was it rushed? I could use some constructive feedback if ya don't mind. Well thanks for reading. Til next time✌**

Also this is the longest chapter I've wrote for this

kevinxeddDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora