chapter three

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Kevin pov

I pull back so I could catch my breath,"I see you enjoy it" I smirk as he blushes," see....i...."he sighed unable to get his words out. "Date me edd. Please" I looked in his eyes, his beautiful blueish green eyes. He blushes more then nods shyly making me smile at his cuteness,"good" I say and kiss him again solftly, sweetly. I take a step back after pulling away from the kiss,"so in this scam am i gonna get hurt? Like last time" I got scratched up pretty bad from the last time I took part in a stupid scam. "N-no. This one won't, I've done calibration test on this one while ed and eddy painted some sign." I laugh lightly,"well as long as they stay distracted" we continued walking, I'm guessing, toward the scam. "DOUBLE D! HURRY UP ALREADY!" Ed yells and waves his hands,"I gotta go ahead" says says before jogging up to Ed. "Okay go get it ready sockhead" I barely hear as they walk behind the fence, I walk up to them and look around and see a box. Just a box, nothing else. "Hmm..."

Edds pov

Ed put a box to distract my new boyfriend as I do minimal prep to the 'machine'. When I finish I look over to see Kevin carefully looking at the box across the street,"why just a box...?" He nudges it making me giggle,"whoops" I whisper as he turns around,"how'd you ge-" eddy put the box over Kevin and started carrying it over laughing,"that was impolite eddy. He was speaking" Ed walks from behind him,"so what? Not like he never did that to us. Well not exactly like that but in different ways" Ed walks over and opens the door for eddy to put Kevin in. I see Kevin sitting on the seat for maybe two seconds after eddy plopped him in there then the door shut as I pressed the button. "Woah! What!? Aaahh!" Comes from inside and I frown slightly,"shouldn't hurt..." the chair exits the machine with a flustered Kevin on it,"What. Was. That." He looked pissed and Ed laughed,"that was payback kevin" kevin got up walking towards Ed with rage in his eyes,"kevin..." I stepped in front of him and put my hands on his chest. He looks at me and his expression softened,"sorry babe" I hold back my blush,"What did he call you double d?" Eddy asks, I turn to him,"u-uhm well you s-see u-uhm..." I look down unable to say the words,"just called him babe" kevin says a bit louder putting his arm around me. I look up a tiny bit just to see their facial expressions, Ed shocked and Eddy confused,"he's mine now~" his arm slid from my shoulder to my waist and I blush hard. "Ooh I get it I think" they say in unison.

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