chapter 8

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Edd's pov

'All of these shops are closed...' I think as I walk down the sidewalk. "Why does this town seem so dead?" I look at the sky and the sun is almost down, I've spent all day walking around aimlessly. "Ugh! Why can't I find anything?" I say to myself and keep walking. I hear a rumble of a motor like from a car or a motorcycle. I look up from my downcast while I walked, hoping to see somebody. Anybody at this point would be better than the luck I had all day. I see a black mustang coming from town slower then the speed limit, like they were looking for something. "Hey!" I yell and wave my hands. They stop and I run up to the passenger window as they roll it down,"Are you lost?" An twisted grin forms on his lips,"Uh, can you tell me how far I am from the junkyard?" He chuckles,"Why the junkyard?" His aura changed from demented, evil to happy, curious. "I live in the cul-de-sac by the junkyard." He looks at me with a mix of shock and confusion,"There's a cul-de-sac by the junkyard?" I sweatdrop,"Yeah, I live there. Can you just please tell me? I need to go home, my friends are probably really worried." He nods,"Sorry, I can give you a ride if you want." I smile and nod,"That would be really awesome but I don't know where I am at the moment." He shakes his head smiling,"I know where we are. I've been around here for a little while so I know my way around." I open the door and sit in the car as I close the door again. He starts driving and turns at the next left. "So how'd you get away from home, enough to find your way back yet be lost?" I look down,"I was kidnapped, a nice guy cut me free and let me escape." He slams on the brakes,"You were what?!" He yells and looks at me, wide eyed. I grimace,"K-Kidnapped." His knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel too hard," And you don't want to go to the cops first?" I shake my head,"I just want go home. I want to take a shower on my own house. I want to see my friends. I don't want to worry about talking to cops." He shakes his head,"You need to tell the cops so this guy doesn't try to get you again. What if next time he hurts you more than just a black eye?" I bring my hand up to my eye then pull down the vizor and look at the reflection of myself,"I didn't know I had this..." around my eye is deep purple and slightly swollen. "Well you do and it's obvious he has no mercy. He might do worse than hurt you, he could kill you. I don't know why I'm feeling so overprotective of you but I am." I blush,"I don't want to. At least not yet. I really just want to go see my friends..." He sighs heavily and starts driving again,"My names Midnight Kitsune, by the way." "I'm Eddward Vincent. But I go by Double D." He smirks,"It's nice to meet you Double D." He turns onto the lane that leads to the cul-de-sac,"Thank you for taking me here. I probably would have been wandering around for another couple of days, most likely." He parks,"No problem. It's always nice to see new places in the town you live in." I laugh a little,"I've lived here all my life and got lost earlier." He laughs,"Well I'm glad I was looking for a certain store or I wouldn't have seen you." I smile and hear a door slam,"Double D! Oh my god!" I look over and see Kevin running to the car from his house,"Excuse me." I step out and he tackles me in a hug.

**Tadaa new chapter for you beautiful babes. I wrote a few more lines but I had to update the app so it took it away but it's okay. Just fluffy filler. Maybe soon teasing secks though lol. Maybe? Idk. Well til next time.✌**

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