chapter...uh...5? 6?

882 28 4

Edds pov

I open my eyes and I can't see anything. I try to move but I'm tied down or something,"What the...?" I hear a deep, evil, mysterious laugh,"Finally you're up." a light turns on and I see a tall male figure. He has messy brown hair, a blue hoodie, and a hockey mask that looks like one from that scary movie (I can't remember his name or the name of the movies. I'm basing the looks of the character on the youtuber H2odelirious.). "Why am I here?" I ask as I try to slide my wrist out of the restraint,"I didn't want my chances taken from me so easy." Okay, now I'm confused,"Chances of what? And how were your 'chances' taken from you?" He climbs on the bed and sits on my thighs,"I seen what happened earlier. I did plan this before that but when I seen that I knew I needed to do it now..." He feels down my chest down to no square with his finger. "This is wrong." I feel violated, nobody is supposed to touch there except Kevin...I would do whatever he wanted me to without thinking twice. "No it's not. It's destiny Edd. The first time I seen you i knew I had to have you." He lifts the bottom of my shirt up and feels on my bare stomach. I'm so close to crying,"It's not destiny. You kidnapped me and are trying to force what you want onto me. It's not the same. I don't feel the same about you. I don't even know who-" I cry out in pain as he drags his nails down my torso,"You are not rejecting my feelings!" Tears slip down from my eyes and down my face,"Why...? Why me? Why are you trying to force me?" He looks at me like I've grown another head,"You have to feel the same." He pulls back his arm and slams his fist into my temple, making me blackout.

I updated the actual story and not another authors noteeeee~~~yayyy~~~
anyways I am not too proud of this chapter but it's drama and most good long stories have drama, right? Idk lol. well..

Till next time✌

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