Hello, Im a Witch & I Can Help!

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There are just some things you never do. Scaring the shit out of a werewolf ghost thing is one of them.

I spun around, baring my teeth in a threatening way at the woman who stood behind us. Her hair and eyes were as brown as chocolate, although there was definitely highlights of a lighter coffee color in her long waves. Her pale skin glowed slightly in the moonlight and she looked almost out of place in her blue jeans and Nirvana tank. Of course, my brother was as shocked as I was to see her, staring at her with an open mouth.

"How can you see us?" He asked, a hard note in his voice.

The woman smiled, her eyes on me even as she addressed him. "Ethan James, I've been able to see the dead since I was six years old.  That's what happens when you are born a witch."

I gasped, taking in the way her lips were a perfect Cupid's bow and how her smile was slightly crooked. Just like someone else I know. "You're Loren's mom." I murmured, all aggression leaving me.

The woman gave me a sad smile. "Yes, I am. Call me Krista." She nodded her head slightly. "I would love to ask if you know where my son is, but I'm afraid I'm short on time. I'm here to help you get back to the living."

"Who? Me?" I frowned, my hand seeking my brother's.

Her smile grew sadder than I thought was possible. "Yes, only you. I can not bring back your brother, Alana. I'm sorry, but he has been gone too long."

Tears pricked my eyes and I felt like I was losing him all over again. "But I-"

She interrupted me. "You must leave him. You have a destiny, Alana. Samantha is waiting for you. We must bring you back before it's too late."

Ethan drew me into a hug and my tears spilled down my cheeks as I clutched him to me. And when he kissed my head and began to fade, I knew it was time for me to go too. Slowly, I wiped my eyes and turned to Krista. "Alright, what do I have to do?"


I stared down at Alana, now wearing a gown of smooth silver, matching the color of her moonlit eyes, and pursed my lips. My fingers brushed against her soft jaw and I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm going to see you soon, baby." I promised, using my brush to gently untangle her hair.

"Samantha." An unfamiliar voice said.

I turned to the woman who entered the room and knew instantly who she was. Simply by the look in her brown eyes. "Hello, Krista." I said, standing from my place beside my mate. "Are you here to offer condolences or to find Loren? Because I have no idea where your son has gone."

She shook her head. "I actually need your help with something." She slid her hands into her front jean pockets.

"How can I help you?" I asked, my voice that of a fast food employee. Kind, but distanced.

"Actually, you can help us. Do you want Alana back?" She asked and my mouth fell open, a hope building inside me that I knew was impossible.

"Yes, of course." I said quickly.

"And would you do anything to bring her back?" She whispered, a small smile playing with her lips.

Despite the uneasiness inside me, I nodded my head and stepped towards her. "Yes, anything." I murmured.

"Good, remember that." And then she moved so fast she was a blur, and before I knew it her hand was on my forehead and darkness swallowed me whole.

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