Chapter 20 | Part 2

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Jayda happily handed a check to the man in exchange for Hayden.

She turned to look up into his eyes and suddenly she got lost in their deep brown color, it seemed as though there was no one else in the room.   

She reached up and took the collar off his neck, replacing it with her arms.She smiled up at him and him down at her.  He leaned down and their lips met. Jayda closed her eyes and got lost in the most amazing kiss she had ever had, because it was real.

They broke the kiss and hugged each other again.  They began to walk away when Emily approached them, 

“What do you think you’re doing Jayda, that boy was sold.”

“No.  What on earth do you think you’re doing?! Marrying my father, you don’t love him.  And taking Hayden from me! Why would you do that?”

“Oh maybe I don’t love that fool that is your father.  I love his money.  But it doesn't matter.  We're getting married.  And with that brat out of the picture I get more of it, because then you won’t leave him.  I’m not an idiot.” 

A new voice entered the conversation.

“Clearly I am.”

Emily turned around to find Tyler standing behind him.

“I should’ve know it was too good to be true.  Forget everything Emily. The wedding is off.”

Emily froze where she stood upon hearing his voice.

She knew she was beaten.  

She glared at Jayda, the back at Dr Mayin and huffed out of the building.  Jayda ran to her father.

“Dad! I’m so sorry.”

“You know what Jay, I just want to go home.”

The three headed out of the building. Jayda walking with Hayden, hand in hand.  He looked down at her.

"Jay, your eyes are so beautiful."

"What do you mean?"

"They're the most wonderful color of blue."

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