Chapter 6 | Part 2

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When they finally reached the film studio where she would get ready she opened her door and stepped out, grabbing her purse and throwing it at Hayden. He caught it just in time, a couple of items falling to the gorund.

Jayda scowled at him and continued inside, he followed but was stopped by a large muscular guard at the door.

“Who are you?”

“With me Hank, for now."

Hayden followed Jayda down hallways and through doors until they reached a door with a golden star on it, she turned to him.

“Wait here.”

She went through the door to find her hair and makeup stylists waiting for her, she sat in the chair and they began to work.

They put purple makeup on her eyes with eyeliner lining her top and bottom and meeting on the edge and continuing out above her cheek-bone.  

They curled her hair and teased the top slightly so that it fell a little above her elbows then stepped back to observe their masterpiece.

Jayda walked over to the changing room and put on black skinny jeans, a white tank top with colored patterns on the front and red high heels to match the red in her shirt. She walked out of the dressing room and the stylists began to clap, she bowed and thanked them both before walking out of the room to find Hayden sitting outside the door, still holding her purse.


She said, he reached into her bag and fumbled around for her phone.  She began to tap her foot impatiently as she waited.

“Uh, 10:25”

She began to walk out the door.


As I followed my mistress out the door of the filming studio, I couldn’t help to marvel at how beautiful she looked, I mean she’s drop dead gorgeous every day, but when she's ‘Jayda Mayin’ its a different kind of beauty.

We got into the limo and I sat on the floor again, she made no objection, not that I expected her to.

“Get my sunglasses.”

I sifted through her purse, pulled out a pair of dark sunglasses, and handed them to her. She put them on, then the limo stopped.

“Get out and hold the door.”

I slid out of the opening and held the door open for her, she got out waving to the fans already waiting for her arrival at the large book/music store.

She signed a couple of autographs on the way in, I made sure to stay close to her the entire time.

We got inside and the CD signing went off without a hitch, she was amazing.

“I’m going to go change”

I waited in the store while Jayda changed back into the clothes she had been wearing earlier that day, people milled about, but the paparazzi had seemingly disappeared.

She walked back out and started for the door.


She scowled, and I moved to follow her out of the store.

She walked through the door and a young man, maybe in his 20s ran at her, a pointed wooden spike in his hand.

I watched as my mistress swung her leg around in a kick, knocking the spike out of the mans hand then catching him by the neck as he started to fall off balance.  

Her hand and his neck lit up with an electric blue light, his whole body tensed up and shook, then he fell to the ground.

I stared in fear.

She had just electrocuted him.


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