Chapter 2 | Part 1

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Tyler walked into the auction house and took a seat off to the left of the stage, he looked at his watch, 1:53.

About seven minutes until the auction would start, he looked around him. The high celings and stadium seating reminded him very much of the human form of entertainment that they called a circus.  Of course the circus' didn't have a stage, or humans for sale.

He rarely actually participated in the auctions, he had only been to auction houses four times since the takeover.  He had always had Daniel, his personal slave attend to the task for him and he would approve of the purchased slaves after they arrived at the house.

The stage was directly below him in the center of the room and there were cages filled with the vermin on the right hand side waiting to be sold.  They would be moved to the cage on the right after they were purchased.  Humans were right where they deserved to be, of course he believed that, he had helped put them there.  The one thing he didn't believe in was the pointless bad treatment that they recieved by all those who still believed the ancient ways.  He was a modern vampire, so he was kind to his slaved. He worried slightly about which side his daughter would choose.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the auction. Let us begin!"

The doctor watched as the merchandise came onto the stage and walked back off again after being re-purchased, none were right, he needed a slave for Jayda, the perfect birthday gift.

Another came and went, and a second. Not right.
"From Burdel Estate, 18 year old male, strong arms and back, bidding starts at $800"

He raised his flag.

"We have $800. Can I hear $850?"

A man on the other side of the room raised his flag.

"Can I see $900"

Another bidder entered the game


Dr. Mayin raised his flag again. This boy was perfect. The doctor would have him.

"$1000? $950 going once, going twice-"

The second bidder raised his flag again.
"$1000! Can I hear $1050?"

His flag went up again.

He looked back at the other bidders, one had sat back contentedly, he was done bidding, the other, had gotten frustrated, he was done as well, the doctor could tell.

"SOLD! To flag 12!"

Tyler smiled. He had found the perfect gift.

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