Chapter 10 | Part 1

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I turned the hallway to the kitchen and saw Ethan walking slowly through the hall.

He peeked in all the doors along the way and looked through every window.  

He didn’t sit well with me, his looks or his behaviors.


He called to me. I hesitated.


I would serve him.  I wouldn’t hurt Jayda through defiance another time.

“Anrai will serve dinner tonight. Show him where to go.”

I nodded at the man and walked past him towards the kitchen, motioning for the red-headed slave to follow me.

We reached the kitchen without speaking a word.  

“What’s your name?”

Anrai asked me, I had expected an accent where there was none.


“How long have you been here?”

“Two months.”

We were silent for a moment before he asked,

“What’s it like?”


“Life here. It must be different than life with master.”

“I wouldn’t know,”

“Does she beat you? For no reason? Are you the object for her to take out any anger on?”


This slave’s life seemed to be nothing but a black pit of pain and anguish.

“Have you always been a slave?”

He asked me.

“That’s a ridiculous question, of course.”

“I’ve only been a slave for 3 months.”

I looked at him.

“How is this so?”

“There is free colony in the north. west of the kingdom of Minnesota, the wastelands where no one dares enter.  I lived there, with my family, until one day my brother and I ventured too far away, a vampire caught us, beat us into submission, and sold us. I to my masters house, and my brother somewhere far away.”

“How is it you live? Being the object for his anger for 3 months.”

I had once been sold to a home very similar to Anrai’s.  I lived there for 8 days before the master had decided that I was too weak and sold me away, this boy wasn’t accustomed to the life of eternal bondage.

He shouldn’t still be alive.

“I only began serving my master personally since 4 weeks ago, after his slave died.”

Maci walked into the room.

“Do you two plan to idly sit all night?”

She asked coldly, glaring at me.

Anrai and I stood to help with dinner.


Jayda waited in the dining room with Ethan for her father to bring Emily.

They talked about Jayda’s up and coming career until her father entered the room with a beautiful woman on his arm.

She wore a floor length pale white dress with a lace black covering over the top, it fell off of her shoulders exposing her pale skin.

Her black hair was slightly pulled back and her dark makeup accented her light eyes.

“Ty, you didn’t tell me we were double dating with your daughter.”

Jayda looked at Ethan and turned beat red, the same as he and they both began to protest.

“No, no, no, we’re not-”

Her laugh cut them off, almost sounding fake.

“Oh I see how it is.”

“Emily, meet my daughter Jayda, and this is her old friend Ethan.”

Jayda made her way to her father and his girlfriend.

“It’s a pleasure.”

She said shaking the woman’s hand.

“I’m sure it is.”

Emily smiled at the young woman.

“Look at this, my two favorite girls.”

Tyler said, kissing Emily.

“Shall we eat?”

Eternal bondage (Book One of the Eternity Series)Where stories live. Discover now