Chapter 3

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"Mind if we sit here?" Kian asks. "Not at all" Grace says. "Actually-" I begin to object but Grace gives me the death stare and I have no choice but to say "go ahead". They sit down. Grace mouths "thank you" to me as I roll my eyes and say "so let me guess, you came to us because we're the only ones not affected by your presence and you just have to change that...?" Kian laughs and says "can you read minds?" Jc explains, "you got the first part right, but we don't wanna change that. Actually it's kindof a relief that there's someone in this school that treats us like normal people" Sure... I don't talk much, so Grace makes most of the conversation and I keep doodling, adding a couple of comments here and there but mainly trying to push back the urge to look at them now that they are up close, until... "So Annabelle" Jc says and I'm forced to look up. I can't help but take in all the features of his face, his gorgeous eyes, his smile, the way his curly hair swoops across his forehead. Stop it Annabelle. "yeah?" I say. Someone approaches Kian and he and Grace aren't paying attention. Jc asks for my phone and saves his number. "Here", he says handing it back to me, "in case you wanna hang out sometime."

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