Chapter 20

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*Annabelle's pov*

"Go ahead, do whatever you want." Kian looks at me with a mischievous smile. He picks me up and lays me on the counter. He gets on top of me and starts kissing me. My phone vibrates and I stop to check to it. It's Aylin, no doubt wondering why I didn't go home last night. "You know what, screw it" I say, putting my phone away. "Screw this I will 😉" Kian smirks.

We get to school by lunch time and by then it was pointless to even go, but I go just so the school won't call Aylin. Kian goes to hang out with his friends and I find Grace. "Why are you so late? And WHY on earth did JC CAYLEN ask me if I knew where you were?!?!?!?!" She drills me for answers. Great. Time to fill Grace in on everything that has happened. I feel so bad for not having told her anything, but I've been so busy that I forgot all about her. Once I'm done telling everything that has happened since that day that Jc and I skipped she is in a state of shock. At first I think she's going to be furious because I have kept this from her for almost a month, but instead she whipsers "Oh my God"so that no one can hear her. "So you mean to tell me that you have been IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH JC CAYLEN AAAAAND KIAN LIKES YOU AND you slept with fucking KIAN LAWLEY?!?!" She's on the verge of hyperventilating 😅. "Annabelle how could you NOT have told me this?! You're in such deep shit buddy." Yes, yes I am. "I know. What now?" I stare at her for some sign of what I should do because if there is one thing Grace is good at, it's giving advice. "Oh sweety" she says in that mothering tone of hers, "You and Jc are IN A RELATIONSHIP and have been for a month! And Kian may not even want a serious thing. But I can't tell you who to choose, that is up to you. Just think about it. Who makes you truly happy? Who makes you feel... like the luckiest girl in the world?" Ugh Grace you are no help at all right now. "I have no idea. I need more time to figure it out." I sigh. "Well then do that. Look, spend one more day with each of them and try to look for a sign, a feeling, anything that can help you make up your mind. And I am DEFINITELY NOT telling you to sleep with them okay? And speaking of the devil..." She glances behind me. "Hey" it's Jc. Great 😣.

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