Chapter 7

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We're in Jc's car and he refuses to tell me where we're going. He stops to buy some things and after half an hour of driving we stop and get off. We walk another 10 minutes and reach a beautiful lake. It seemed untouched by humans. You could hear nothing but the peacefulness of nature. "You like it?" Jc asks. I can't even explain the sight. "Like? I love it this is beautiful!" I say. He brings some blankets and food and sets up a picnic. "So tell me more about yourself" he says. We begin telling each other all about our lives, his is much more eventful than mine, and talk for hours until he asks "so you live with your parents?" "No, my mom left when I was a baby and my dad died a year ago, so my sister Aylin and I moved from Florida to California." He tries to cheer me up, "oh I'm sorry. Wanna go for a swim?" "But I don't have any other clothes", I say. "Neither do I" he laughs. We strip to our underwear so that it's easier for our clothes to dry and we go in the water. The lake is so nice, I have never seen water so clear in my life. We play around for a while. I'm complaining about my hair being a mess when Jc comes up to me and says "you look beautiful." He gets closer to me and I know where this is going and I don't know if I want it to go there so I splash water at him and run away. "Oh really" he says, surprised. He starts coming after me until I'm cornered by a sortof small waterfall. Jc grabs my arm as I try to dodge him and pulls me to him, laughing. Oh fuck it. He leans in... and splashes me. "Haha got ya" he laughs probably staring at the obvious look of surprise on my face.

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