Chapter 21

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"Hey, where have you been?" Jc sits next to me. Just great. I haven't had time to think of what to tell him. Should I tell him the truth about me and Kian or just wait? I don't have time to think it through so I decide on keeping it from him for now and see what happens. "Hey," I kiss him on the cheek "I got home late last night and overslept this morning." Grace finds an excuse to get up, no doubt to leave us alone. "How was the party?" he asks. I pout and say "boring once you left". Ugh I feel so guilty right now... We talk until lunch is over and then he walks me to class. Grace said I should spend a day with each of them before I make up my mind on what to do, so I stop and ask him "wanna do something tomorrow?" And of course he says yes- why why why does he have to be so sweet and nice and perfect? Right before we get to my class Jc stops me, gives me a quick kiss, and says "see you tomorrow beautiful- and good luck in Ms. Adams' class, she's a pain the ass" I chuckle and kiss him back, "tell me about it."

I'm trying not to fall asleep through Ms. Adams' lecture, but it's practically impossible. Right when I'm about to doze off I get a text from Kian- "ur in adams right?" I don't even have time to reply "yes" because Kian walks in, and now I'm wide awake. He interrupts Ms. Adams and says something I can't make out. Ms. Adams glances at me and says something in reply. They're talking about me? What is Kian doing here? "Annabelle, go to the principal's office" What? What did I do? And then it hits me- Kian is lying. I grab my stuff and practically run out of class. "I'm so happy to be out of there. How did you do that?" I ask soon as the class is out of earshot. "Do you know who I am?" Kian smirks. "Sorry, how could I ever forget that you are the Kian Lawley?" I joke. " I know right? Just being in my presence is an honor. How will you ever repay your night in shining armor?" he winks.I laugh "Oh really? Well 'knight in shining armor' I don't know you tell me." We've kept walking and have now reached the field. "By spending the rest of the day with me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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