Chapter 5

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*Jc's pov*
Kian and I are sitting at a table surrounded by a group of people, most of which I don't know, when I spot a girl who, for once, isn't staring at us. She's really hot and I'm getting tired of these people, so I tell everyone I gotta go. I get up and manage to exit the group surrounding us. "Where are you going?" Kian asks as he walks after me. I nod in the girl's direction and call dibs. Once he notices who I'm talking about he mumbles "Fuck". I chuckle. "Well goodluck with that-that is if she's interested in you", Kian says as we reach her table. She's sitting with another girl. We introduce ourselves and sit with them. Her name is Annabelle and her friend is Grace. Annabelle doesn't talk much, she just draws on her binder and adds in a few comments here and there. Her friend is the one that does most of the talking. Someone comes up to Kian and Grace- this is the perfect moment. I give her my number when Kian nugdes me saying we have to go. *2 weeks later*
Dammit. I should have asked for her number, not the other way around. I guess she wasn't interested in me. But she seemed so different than everyone else... I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. I got late to school and I'm on my way to my class when someone crashes into me.

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