Chapter 10

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*Aylin's pov*
The door opens and Anabelle walks in. She ignores me completely and starts walking to the kitchen. "Why hello there great to see you" I say sarcastically. "Hi nice to see you too" she replies in a tired voice. Really -.- "I've been up all night worried" I tell her as she pours herself some Arizona tea and says "you didn't have to..." "Yes I did" I reply. She turns to me, "you're not mom." I look at her trying to see if she's drunk or high. I can't tell. She starts walking away. I call after her "Annabelle" she stops and faces me, waiting for me to finish. "I love you. I'm not mom or dad but I care what happens to you... even if I can't control you..." normally at this point she would get tired of listening to my crap and walk back to her room, but she didn't. She actually walked up to me and hugged me. "I love you too," she says "and I didn't do anything for you to worry. I just went out with my friend and fell asleep." I say goodnight and she goes to her room. I shouldn't worry so much... Annabelle is 18 and about to graduate, she can handle herself... when Dad died she went through a phase where she would come home late every night high or drunk and skip school constantly. She almost got kicked out of school, but I convinced the principal that it was her way of grieving Dad's death and that she would stop. He probably just felt bad for us, because she didn't stop for several months... everyone had given up on Annabelle returning to her normal ways, except for me. Until one day she came home and I didn't give her the usual lecture; I just stood there and looked at her disappointed. She hugged me and started crying and she could not stop. We sat together crying the whole night. From that night on she has returned to her normal self. 

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