🌸"Yea but Cinderella lost a shoe and I am sure that girl didn't lose anything"I said looking back at him.

🏉"I mean who knows maybe she did maybe she didn't"he said shrugging his shoulders.

🏉"By the way where is your charm bracelet the one your grandma give you"he asked as he looked at my left hand where it usually is.

🌸"Ummm...I toke it off"I said looking at my arm I haven't even realized that it was gone I started to panic inside.

🏉"But I thought you never toke it off"he said raising one eyebrow.He got a point there I never did take it off think of something fast y/n.

🌸"Well....me and Jen were playing truth and dare yesterday and she dared me to take it off for a day"I said trying to convince him.

🏉"Yea that is something Jen would do"he said chuckling a little bit.

🌸"Yea.....she would"I said looking at my arm again.

🏉"So that's all what you guys did play truth and dare"he asked raising one eyebrow.

🌸"No we also watched The Notebook and A Walk To Remember"I said looking at him.

🏉"You guys are such girls"he said shaking his head.

🌸"If you haven't noticed we are girls"I said.

🏉"That is true well I am going to go rest"he said getting up from the chair and walking to the staircase.

🌸"Ok"I said and he left upstairs to his room as soon as I heard his bedroom door close I ran to Jen's room and jumped on her bed.

🌸"Jen wake up"I said shaking her.

🌺"Whaaaaattttt....leave me alone"she said turning away from me.

🌸"Jen we have a problem"I said shaking her again.

🌺"Yea...we do... which is you waking me up"she said and turned on her stomach and putted the pillow over her head.

🌸"No I lost my charm bracelet"I said taking the pillow from her head.

🌺"You what"Jen yelled as she quickly sat up on the bed.

🌸"Shhh Cameron just went to sleep and I told him you dared me to take it off"I said looking at her.

🌺"Oh my..... good thinking.....where do you think you lost it at"she said rubbing her eyes.

🌸"I think when we were running away because we had to get home before your parents got home"I said.

🌺"Oh my"she said.

🌸"What should we do"I whined.

🌺"Ammmmm....you know what...how about we go tomorrow to Zach's house during lunch and look for it"she said looking at me.

🌸"Why tomorrow"I asked.

🌺"Because Zach will be at school and his parents are going to be at work so no one will be there and we can look for it"she said shrugging her shoulders.

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