XXX - Atkins

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XXX - Atkins

"Are you sure you want it?"

"Yes, Louis! And don't think I'll be sharing." I pull the box of pizza towards myself as I tend to the slice that's being held in my hand.

"A pizza at 8 in the morning? No thank you." He teases grabbing an apple from the fridge and making way to sit beside me on the couch.

"I was craving a pizza and I got one. It's not me who's asking for it, it's the baby."

He smiles gently as if I'm the most amusing thing he's ever seen. "Whatever you say love." He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer so that I'm leaned against his side as we continue eating. "I thought pregnant women craved crazy things like pickles or ice-cream with ketchup or something."

"Ew! Ice-cream and ketchup is just plain gross. And different people have different cravings at different times." I tell him, snuggling into his side, finding warmth under his arms.

We sit there in silence, both enjoying our meals. After a while Louis walks over to the kitchen to grab the sausages he'd put in the oven and I walk over to my room to get ready.

We're going to see the doctor today. Both of us decided to go to our workplaces late after we'd finished the appointment.

It's been four days since Louis had sent the final draft of his story to the publishing agencies. One had replied already, they said that they could only publish his book if it were a series or a trilogy since the genre was fantasy. But Louis had no plans of doing so.

He was pretty disheartened, but there's still hope, right? The other two agencies still haven't said anything.

I could see him losing hope. But I've got faith. His story was amazing, someone who fails to see that is an absolute moron.

+ + + + +

"Everything is going well, Rory." Dr Robins beams at me, handing over the files. "Just eat things that have more iron, and you'll be fine." I nod, "And I want you both to understand that pregnancies are very risky till the fourth month. The chances of a miscarriage are high, so there's no such thing as too much caring."

I can see Louis frowning from my peripheral vision, so I reach out to put my hand in it before giving it a light squeeze. "Thank you for everything." I thank her before standing up.

"Of course. And the next appointment would be after two weeks. Hopefully we'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat by then."

A wide smile plasters on my face as soon as the words leave her lips. I'll hear my baby's heartbeat... It'll have a beating heart in two weeks...

"Okay, we'll see you then Dr Robins." Louis grabs my hand and I give her a smile before we make our ways outside the office.

"I'm not letting you walk to your office any more." He mutters, the frown still evident.

"What? It's like fifteen minutes away and I can't buy a car."

"Did you hear what she said? I'm not taking any risks, not with you and my baby." We step into the elevator and I can't help the smile stretch my lips at his words.

"Hey." I place a hand on his jaw to make him face me, his frown softens but the worried expression remains. "I'm fine, the baby will be fine. We're not going anywhere."

He sighs wrapping his arms around me an I hug him back, snuggling my face at the crook of his neck, "I know... I just... I love you."

God, I can never hear it enough. "And I love you. A lot."

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