I - Tomlinson

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I - Tomlinson

I rush to my cubicle, my grin is starting to hurt my fucking cheeks, but it's not like I can help it. The joy, the happiness bubbling inside me wants to make me scream at the top of my lungs, but I refrain. Damn I feel like a bloody teenager!

The world seems to be at my feet right now and I... I am standing with a broad chest and a pen ready to write my way up to the skies. Nothing, nothing can stop me now, this is what I'd dreamt of since I stepped into college and what I'd yearned for the moment I got out of it.

Fucking finally!

Two years... two years of working like a pig has finally paid off. From working freelance, to getting my own column to this... Louis William Tomlinson, editor of The Times... wow.

I know there are a few other editors here too, I know this isn't the best I can get; but this is where it all starts. The only way I can go now, is up. I am finally a proper member here, I will finally be taken more seriously.

The adrenaline pumping within me is deeming me unable to sit. I can't fucking sit. I shove my hand inside my pocket, retrieving by cell phone pacing around my tiny cubicle (which won't be mine in a few minutes). Scrolling through the contacts, my thumb presses on the one number I was looking for.

Still managing to pace around the limited space that I have, I press my phone against my ear.


"Harry! Mate, I've got incredible news." I jump right on the topic, not wanting to waste any time on small talk.

"Wow, you sound excited. Don't tell me you're high."

I roll my eyes at him, it is now a habit. "Do you or do you not want to hear it?"

He cackles from the other side making me lose my patience. I hear him taking a deep breath before he speaks again, "Alright, sorry. What is it?"

"They promoted me. I'm now one of the the editors here." I quickly blurt, not wanting to wait any more. Saying it to him makes everything so much more real, so much more concrete. Shit.... This is amazing!

I can imagine his eyes going wide as the newfound information hits him.

"No shit!" he finally speaks up, I chuckle.

"I literally just found out and I'm shifting my stuff to a new office."

"Louis, that's bloody amazing!" he sounds so thrilled.

"I know I know."

"How? I mean, you were telling me how everyone gave you shit for being one of the youngest there, I-I mean, you're twenty-three..."

"One of the old editors had to quit, personal issues and the board was already impressed by my column and they were even more impressed my college grades, so here I am."I explain, finally sitting on a chair, "I got lucky mate!"

"No, this... this isn't luck Lou, it's all you. You deserve this. Goddamnit! I'm so proud of you." We both laugh, like two teenagers. "Your father would be so proud."

My throat immediately goes dry at the mention of my father. "He would, wouldn't he?"

"Of course! Did you talk to your mum?"

"Not yet."

"Well then go ahead. But we need a proper celebration today." He demands, "It's Friday, and you just got promoted to the fucking editor!"

"Definitely! The usual?" I ask.

"Yup." He replies before I hang up and call my mum.

She was as equally ecstatic as Harry. But talking to mum wasn't the same anymore, it would never be. We aren't as close as we used to be, things changed. It always gets to this awkward point where neither of us know what to say, so I hang up quickly.

Gathering all my important stuff, I make my way to the new office. As I'm walking, I'm greeted by people cheering, clapping for me, patting my back, congratulating me. I stop placing the box on the nearby table, accepting their wishes as humbly as I can. I know there are many who think I don't deserve it, many who think they should've gotten it instead. It's been two years that I've worked here and most of the people still think of me as the scruffy kid who just graduated from college. But right now, they are congratulating me with big fake smiles and I plaster a similar fake smile accepting it all.

"Well deserved, Louis." Cami, a co-worker says, subtly touching my forearm. I smile politely; she animatedly blinks at me stepping closer. "Congratulations." She whispers leaning in to press a lingering kiss on my cheek. Her lips stay there much too longer than what would be deemed as 'friendly'.

Shit! Her sticky lipstick print! But wouldn't it be rude if I wipe it right in front of her?

She straightens up, smiling at me; "See you around." With a flirtatious wink, she saunters away not forgetting to swing her hips in the process. Any sane man would stare at those, don't you judge me. She has left hints time and again telling me that she wants me, so have a few other girls in the office, but what's the fun in that? I tend to enjoy the chase; it gets boring when they throw themselves at you.

Shaking my head, I shake hands with a few more people. When it's finally over, I grab my box and once again make my way to the office, my new office. Damn! I'll never get used to it!

As soon as I kick the door open, I'm hit with an amazing sense of euphoria. The room smells fresh and so fucking amazing. I walk in kicking the door shut hurriedly placing the box on the table.

Not wanting to waste more time, I look around taking the view in. White walls, brown leather couches and most importantly, a rotating chair! I've always wanted one of those all my life!

My gaze falls on my reflection on the window pane.

Damnit! The lipstick mark is so prominent on my cheek. Quickly wiping it off my cheek, I look at the reflection and now I look like I'm blushing only from one cheek. Ugh!

I agree that girls look hot in lipstick, especially red; but they should at least be considerate enough not to kiss anyone whilst wearing it. I don't mind it when they wear make-up, it's their face, and they can do whatever they want to. Although once I was with this girl and we went to her apartment and right before we were about to do it she started peeling her eye-lashes off and her fake nails and her hair extensions. They freaked the shit out of me. I mean, I knew that they used hair extensions, but honestly I didn't know about the fake lashes and nails. I didn't even do anything with her, I just made a lame excuse and got out because I was really freaked out.

My mind reels back to how she was acting a while ago. Cami had always made it clear that she was interested in me; but the thing with me is that I don't do relationships. Sure, there are times when I fool around with females, but it's purely physical. Even if I did just go to the physical level with Cami, it'd be unprofessional; we work in the same office.

Ugh! I should not be thinking of this right now.

I stand up, making way to the large window pane. The London skyline looks absolutely stunning from here.

Tiny cars swiftly moving through the roads. People... many people walking around. They look like ants; small, restless.

This has always been my favorite city. So alive, so beautiful, yet it can also give you tough love. The city polishes you, makes you go through hell until it gets you to shine like a diamond or leave and run away. I plan on doing the former and I like to believe that I'm on my way.


There you have it, the very first chapter.

Please comment your thoughts so that I can improve and press on the little star and vote if you think I deserve it and also please share this story if you think others would enjoy it.

Next Update: Monday

Nivi XX

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