IX - Tomlinson

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IX - Tomlinson

"I can't do this! I can't!" she wailed in my arms and I paused; dumbstruck, not knowing what to do. To be honest, a part of me knew this was coming. How robotic her actions were throughout the day, how she seemed to be disconnected from everything.

What do I do now? I can't force her for an abortion! And I can't be a fucking father!

Holy shit! A father! A bloody father! Nope. I can't. No fucking way.

But the crying girl in my arms says so and I'm fucking helpless. Maybe I could talk some sense into her once I calm her down. Yeah, that might work.

She rubbed her face into my shirt as she continued tearing up. I brought her closer and pressed my lips against the top of her head. It would've been very awkward had it happened some other time, but her guards are all down at this particular moment and I just acted on my instincts.

When I looked up, Dr. Robins gave me a kind smile before walking out without a word.

I keep rubbing her back holding her close trying to tame her cries. Gradually, her tears turn into sniffles, which then turn into soft breathing. I look down to see her fast asleep in my arms. She looks so peaceful. The whole day she had this deep frown etched on her forehead and now, in deep slumber, it's like she's in another world where nothing can touch her.

The name fits her perfectly. Aurora, sleeping beauty...

The side of her face is squished onto my chest and her knees are brought up to her chest. Raising my right hand to her cheeks, I slowly remove the stray hairs sticking to her cheeks with all the tears.

It's heart-breaking to see a beautiful girl like her in so much pain and what makes it worse is the guilt that tells me I'm partly responsible.

I tug my hand behind her knees and gently lift her up, making sure she doesn't wake up. Her head falls on my chest and her arns flail around. The doctor is standing right outside the already open door when I get out.

"I assume you guys are leaving now?" she asks after giving a known look to the sleeping girl in my arms. I just nod. "Alright then, if you need me, you know where to find me." She gently pats my back before walking back to her office.

Getting through the elevator and outside of the lobby was quite the struggle with the sleeping Aurora in my arms and the weird looks people would give. But this is a whole new trouble I'll have to face. How do I get my car-keys out of my pocket an open the door like this?

Fuck. Should've thought this through.

For a while I just stand there looking around. It isn't until I see a middle-aged woman getting out of her car that my hope starts to rekindle.

"Excuse me. Um... would you mind helping me out a bit?" she frowns at me and then gives a skeptic look to the Rory before nodding. "Erm... could you please take my car-keys out from my pocket and open the passenger seat?" she nods again. I guess she's not a talker. "Thank you. It's in my left pocket."

She walks closer and I look at everywhere else but her. This isn't going to be awkward. Before know it, her hand is inside my pocket.

What a great time to be wearing skinny jeans.

Yup. Not awkward at all.

Why is she taking so much bloody time?

On cue, she stands up with the keys dinging in her hands.

Fucking finally!

I wait watching her unlock the car and open the passenger seat.

"Thank you,"

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