XV - Tomlinson

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XV - Tomlinson

If I got a time machine and travelled a month back to meet myself and say that I'd be a father by the time I'm twenty-four, I'd call the paramedics and send myself to the mental assylum. But now, the idea doesn't seem so foreign anymore.

When I saw her yesterday, hugging her father, when I saw them interacting with each other, I realised it wouldn't be so bad to have a child. And when I see how much Rory loves her father and the respect she has for him, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we have a daughter.

I've come to realise that a father-son relationship and a father-daughter relationship isn't the same. Me and my dad used to be buddies, you don't talk about your feelings, you don't talk about hardships; it's a man-to-man thing.

But a father-daughter relationship is something else. It's this bond they have and I could see it, I used to see something similar between my sisters and dad, but it has been so long since the last time I saw a proper father-daughter duo. And I wouldn't mind having that for myself.

I mean, having a son would be cool too, but I think I've already developed a liking for having my own princess to be protective over. I'm definitely not looking forward to sleepless nights and cleaning dirty diapers, but if the outcome his having a daughter as beautiful and lovely as Rory, I won't mind.

It was around eleven in the morning when Martha knocked on my door inviting me to the dining area for breakfast. She's a nice woman, I already like her alot. And Mr. Atkins too, he seems like a nice bloke. Rory's mother though... let's just say that I am going to take a lot of time to warm up to her.

"Louis, darling would you call Rory along with you when you come downstairs?" She asks politely.

"Uh... sure. which one is her room?"

"Two doors left across your room. I'll go now, don't be late." she smiles once more before walking out.

I'm already showered and dressed so I just walk out and head straight to Rory's room. After knocking, I wait till I hear her voice yelling "It's open! Come in!"

I grab the doorknob and push the door open only to find an empty room. The bed is neatly made and you can hardly say if someone has slept in it, white walls and homely interiors adorn the place, but there's no sign of the girl who owns it. There's just a massive closet to my right; another door, which I assume is the bathroom and a queen sized bed along with a bedside table and a mirror hanging over the wall.

I'm sure I heard her, but... where is she?


"In here!" The closets door opens with a whoosh making me jump and fall on the bed. I'm clutching my chest with the massive fright the girl just gave me as I heave shallow breaths.


The sound of her roaring laughter echoes through the room and I lean on my elbows to raise my head to look at her. Turns out it's not a closet, it's like a small secret compartment with a bed that only fits a single person and on the wall is a cupboards with lots of books in it.

But that's not where my focus is, my focus is on the girl laughing like there's no tomorrow, clapping her hands throwing her head backwards, eyes shut tight as she gasps for breath between each laugh.

"Oh my god!" She says between gasps and laughs, "you should've seen your face..."

She keeps laughing and I feel slightly embarrassed for making a fool out I myself, but a part of me is glad that I got to see her laugh this way...

And the sound, it's just... so lovely... I could hear it all day. It tugs my heart and I yearn to make her laugh more, just for the sake of hearing it a bit more often.

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