XIII - Tomlinson

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XIII - Tomlinson

I can feel the panic rising when I see her wailing like that. I feel so useless, her face is all red as her cries shake her body and all I can think of his hugging her, which now feels useless.

The knock on the door makes my head snap at it. "I'm sorry, I'm occupied right now!" I yell so that whoever is the one knocking gets the clue and pisses off.

"Louis, is Lilly there?" Liam's voice calls out from the other end and I feel Rory stiffen in my arms before she lets out another sob and continues crying. It was loud enough for him to hear and before I could reply that door swings open and he storms in. The surprised look on his face soon falters when he kneels down beside me, his right hand on her back just like mine.

"I'll take it from here." He says to me and I frown. "Louis, move away, I've got this." He says through gritted teeth and my first instinct is to back off which I regret moments later.

I stand beside watching him slide both his hands right under her breasts gripping tightly as she continues her sobs. I scowl definitely not liking the way he's touching her.

"I want you to focus on my arms right now." he whispers against her ear, his face too close to hers. "Are you listening?" He asks in a gentle tone.

My fists ball beside me when I notice his arms tightening around her, right under her breasts, might I add.

"Now concentrate on the area where my arms are." He whispers, she nods again. "Lilly, close your eyes and visualize the area." she immediately shuts her eyes with a cute frown certifying her concentration.

"Now try to expand the area and slowly, draw air inside." It seems like he knows what he's doing. But that doesn't mean I'm comfortable with his having his hands there. "Slowly, take deep breaths, in and out... in and out...."

She starts following his instructions and soon her sobs have died down and the only sound in the room is Rory's deep breaths accompanied by Liam's encouragement.

When I saw her in the reception, the saddened look on her face reminded me of that time in the hospital. She had the same expression and I knew she'd need someone and I was more than glad to be that person even though it was for only a short while.

I feel weird saying it, but it felt nice to be the one comforting her. I felt important when she held me for dear life as she was crying her eyes out. Her sobs were torturous and it felt terrible to see her this way, and I'm glad I got to comfort her for a short while.

"Are you okay?" I hear him asking, she nods and much to my pleasure, he let's go of her.

What? Don't give me that look. It's perfectly normal for me to feel... uh... weird when a guy touches a girl that way. I am not jealous do you hear me? Not jealous.

"Now tell me what happened." He says sitting right next to her. The guy storms in my office, pushes me off to hold her and now he's sitting there like it's his fucking lounge. Bloody twat.

"My parents know that I'm pregnant." she sniffs, her voice sounds croaked with the recent cries.

She was going insane; crying like it was the end of the world for this? I mean.... I know I shouldn't be judging or anything but damn!

"Shit!" Liam's shock-filled voice booms through, "That's bad... okay, we'll sort it out. Let's go to my office." he stands up offering his hand but I jump in.

"No way, you guys are staying right here and doing the talking right in front of me." Both look at me, Rory simply looks confused and Liam looks like he's daring me to continue. "If it is anything related to the baby, I think I have the right to hear about it too." I state.

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